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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Crackdown 3 Review Thread - MC: 60 OC: 62

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KiigelHeart said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

This is a common take at various vidya game places and I don’t really get it. If you’re a fan of something, there’s a reason you’re a fan. What you’re doing here is basically going up to an NBA fan and saying “man it must suck to watch this sport, the NFL makes way more money and gets much better ratings!”. Sure, it might be true, but for most fans, it’s irrelevant. 

Im an Xbox fan because I love the controller, the UI, XBL is way better than PSN imho, and when it comes to the exclusives, I prefer more of what Microsoft offers. Like the vast majority of gamers, most of my gaming is done on multiplats.

So much this.

I game on Xbox because for me it's simply the best console with the best games. I've got plenty of friends who game on Playstation so I've played some of the exclusives but not a single one I'd want to play over Gears of War or Sea of Thieves for example. There's nothing stopping me from walking into a store and buying a PS4 but I just don't need/want one.

On topic of Crackdown 3, downloaded it from game pass this morning but haven't tried it yet. I just hope it's the kind of mindless, fun game that will heal my post-RDR2-depression.

And thats cool, but ultimately you guys are the minority not the majority. Many Xbox fans left xbox after the XBO debacle launch... and to be fair the last few years of the 360 were pretty bad in terms of content as well. Its not been good news for MS. Sony have been kicking butt in terms of games since mid of the PS3, and except at the launch of the consoles they seem to be able to ramp up pretty well.

Now having said that, Crackdown is one of the last of the early XBO titles that were announced and its obviously been through development hell, so perhaps a bad development and it being not that great isn't all unexpected. The key is that they've got it launched out of the way and can now look forward towards the next gen and hopefully not make the same mistakes. But if they go down the route of trying to make the console a media centre first and foremost, and forget about the games they'll lose (buying the studios suggests they've finally starting to rectify the mistakes of the past).

My only concern is that if MS suddenly won the next gen, and it was going more along the lines of games pass, what would stop them just closing down studios again and relying on third parties.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

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On the topic of Microsoft cancelling this game because they knew it was going to be sub-par, I would imagine they considered it but there was just no way that was going to happen.  Not only would it have been more bad press over another cancelled game, they'd already made SUCH a big deal over this game in particular.  They'd pinned their entire "Power of the Cloud" gambit on this title.  Cutting the cord would have meant a ton of explaining.  Besides, they still need games for their service, even if they're not very good.  

Also, this "the critics just don't get it" theme a few people are running with seems kind of silly.  I'm sure the critics get it, they're just not particularly crazy about it.  Personally, after watching gameplay video, this looks like the kind of game I'd get bored with in under an hour.  It's like the superpowers game-play of Saints Row 4 but without all the other awesome stuff that made that game a blast to play.  If a game like that is a Happy Meal then a game like this would simply be an order of fires and a cup of water--for the same price.  

I can imagine why someone might like this game.  However, I can very easily see why more people would find it boring or underwhelming.  When a game simply gives you the same thing, over and over, with no real personality or substance beyond more of the exact same "mindless fun", I think a low score is justified.  Honestly, if someone gave it to me for free on PC, I probably wouldn't even download it.  

KiigelHeart said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

This is a common take at various vidya game places and I don’t really get it. If you’re a fan of something, there’s a reason you’re a fan. What you’re doing here is basically going up to an NBA fan and saying “man it must suck to watch this sport, the NFL makes way more money and gets much better ratings!”. Sure, it might be true, but for most fans, it’s irrelevant. 

Im an Xbox fan because I love the controller, the UI, XBL is way better than PSN imho, and when it comes to the exclusives, I prefer more of what Microsoft offers. Like the vast majority of gamers, most of my gaming is done on multiplats.

So much this.

I game on Xbox because for me it's simply the best console with the best games. I've got plenty of friends who game on Playstation so I've played some of the exclusives but not a single one I'd want to play over Gears of War or Sea of Thieves for example. There's nothing stopping me from walking into a store and buying a PS4 but I just don't need/want one.

On topic of Crackdown 3, downloaded it from game pass this morning but haven't tried it yet. I just hope it's the kind of mindless, fun game that will heal my post-RDR2-depression.

If no game on PS4 is better than Sea of Thieves for you then certainly PS4 isn't for you. I'll consider you similar to ludicrous. Taste is reversed compared to general gamers and reviewers.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

GoOnKid said:

The point is that critics and reviews can never dictate how much I will enjoy a game. I couldn't care less about scores. I finished Devil's Third MULTIPLE times ffs.

Yes, there are similar games with higher scores, who denied that? But still a score of 60 will never be able to make me enjoy a game for just 60%.

In my opinion gamers shouldn't rely their purchase decisions based on scores alone anyway. In these times there are plenty of opportunities to make up your own mind about liking a game or not, and if someone looks for a game like this then just go on and give it a go.

What do you mean with that last paragraph? Is this a jab?

And I APPRECIATE that point, I make it all the time and I 100% agree with it. People take critics scores way too seriously as some kind of objective judgement of what they should think. But the way you wrote your comment just seems kind of disingenuous, to be honest.

"I think this game delivers what it wants to deliver: it's just mindless unserious fun where you shoot stuff and things go boom. Not more, not less. If someone wants a deeper game that's fine, there are a lot of alternatives. Not every game must be cookie cut to please everyone."

This whole quote reads to me like a way of laying responsibility off the game. Tons of games have come out that were just mindless unserious fun and a lot of them were received much better than Crackdown. The game may "deliver" mindless unserious fun, but tons of games have delivered that better (in the opinion of critics). And that's why it's getting the scores it's getting, because even if the basic concept was achieved the baggage that surrounds the game isn't good. And I think if you asked the developers, their goal for the title wasn't to make a very basic realization of a concept which has been done before. It was to make a great product out of that, and to the critics and a lot of people that doesn't seem to be the final result. Then there's the last part where you imply that "someone" is looking for a deeper game. Critics aren't giving this game low scores because they don't fundamentally understand Crackdown, or because they expected it to be a super complex title for some reason. They just don't think it's that great of a game. A lot of fans don't even seem to like this game anyways, so again, the whole "it's not for everyone" thing doesn't really apply. If it isn't for fans or connoisseurs of the genre, who is it for? Granted, a lot of people like it as well, but that's the point. It's just a mixed result of a game, it's not a misunderstood one.

Also nah, not a jab at you, lol. That's why I didn't reply to you specifically and was replying to the thread in general. I've never seen you make a comment about troll reviews. It It IS a problem I see on this site a lot, though.

Mr Puggsly said:

Try watching the Digital Foundry video about this game.

That way you can see what a person that enjoys it thinks, then compare that to the critics that seem to hate every aspect of this game.

I don't think the game is bad myself, I haven't played it. I sure will check out Digital Foundry's video though, I was going to watch their video anyways since one of the Digital Foundry guys said the graphics were impressive. Thanks for letting me know! Didn't know it was out yet.

Whether it's fun or not, can we now agree that there is no point in using the cloud to make games 'better'. I really don't see much happening in Wrecking zone that can't be done without the cloud. The debris doesn't affect players so there is not even any reason to keep it synced or have the server calculate it all.

To make it impressive the cloud has to send a lot more data to the console, and then the console still has to process and render all that data. Most of it is time critical. You might as well run the whole game in the cloud which is where we are going to anyway :/

It looked quite laggy already on the IGN video, yet I'll wait for a better analysis from DF. The power of the cloud is the most unimpressive stuff this gen.

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eva01beserk said:
flashfire926 said:

No, it's not a simulation (the horizon series). Simulators are games like Gran Turismo and Project Cars. Games like Forza Horizon and Need for Speed are more arcade racers. 

Heck, in one of the DLC's, you're doing loop de loops on hot wheels tracks:

For the last time, ITS. NOT. A. SIMULATION.

Also, just checked, and at this point in FH3's life it had sold about the same as Horizon 4. So it went up from FH2 to FH3, and stayed flat from FH3 to FH4.

FH2 was a the exeption to the rule out of 11 games, ok that destroyed my argument.

Thats great for FH4, but gamepass was not a thing back in the FH3 days. There where people who dint buy a game at full price and bought it down the line, with gamepass thats gone. I highly doubt this game will sell much more.

I think what you can say is that this is not  a 100% simulation. as the most this series varies is that you can go off road. The gamplay dosent change that much just cuz its an openworld map. But like I said before, people see forza and thats all, like any call of duty is just another call of duty.

Also, Forza Motorsport 2 the first forza on 360 is the worst selling. Your argument has literally held true a grand total of one time.

lets just wait and see how the game sells. Forza normally has good legs.

Its a racing game, just admit it isnt for you, there’s no point of shiiting on it. By tour logic, Bayonetta is a simulator of a woman doing hack and slash combat on mosters, meaning thats its a simulation.

Forza Horizon 4 brought a whole host of new features, its not the same every year. Lets stop with the troll drive/by posts please.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
GoOnKid said:

The point is that critics and reviews can never dictate how much I will enjoy a game. I couldn't care less about scores. I finished Devil's Third MULTIPLE times ffs.

Yes, there are similar games with higher scores, who denied that? But still a score of 60 will never be able to make me enjoy a game for just 60%.

In my opinion gamers shouldn't rely their purchase decisions based on scores alone anyway. In these times there are plenty of opportunities to make up your own mind about liking a game or not, and if someone looks for a game like this then just go on and give it a go.

What do you mean with that last paragraph? Is this a jab?

And I APPRECIATE that point, I make it all the time and I 100% agree with it. People take critics scores way too seriously as some kind of objective judgement of what they should think. But the way you wrote your comment just seems kind of disingenuous, to be honest.

"I think this game delivers what it wants to deliver: it's just mindless unserious fun where you shoot stuff and things go boom. Not more, not less. If someone wants a deeper game that's fine, there are a lot of alternatives. Not every game must be cookie cut to please everyone."

This whole quote reads to me like a way of laying responsibility off the game. Tons of games have come out that were just mindless unserious fun and a lot of them were received much better than Crackdown. The game may "deliver" mindless unserious fun, but tons of games have delivered that better (in the opinion of critics). And that's why it's getting the scores it's getting, because even if the basic concept was achieved the baggage that surrounds the game isn't good. And I think if you asked the developers, their goal for the title wasn't to make a very basic realization of a concept which has been done before. It was to make a great product out of that, and to the critics and a lot of people that doesn't seem to be the final result. Then there's the last part where you imply that "someone" is looking for a deeper game. Critics aren't giving this game low scores because they don't fundamentally understand Crackdown, or because they expected it to be a super complex title for some reason. They just don't think it's that great of a game. A lot of fans don't even seem to like this game anyways, so again, the whole "it's not for everyone" thing doesn't really apply. If it isn't for fans or connoisseurs of the genre, who is it for? Granted, a lot of people like it as well, but that's the point. It's just a mixed result of a game, it's not a misunderstood one.

Also nah, not a jab at you, lol. That's why I didn't reply to you specifically and was replying to the thread in general. I've never seen you make a comment about troll reviews. It It IS a problem I see on this site a lot, though.

Mr Puggsly said:

Try watching the Digital Foundry video about this game.

That way you can see what a person that enjoys it thinks, then compare that to the critics that seem to hate every aspect of this game.

I don't think the game is bad myself, I haven't played it. I sure will check out Digital Foundry's video though, I was going to watch their video anyways since one of the Digital Foundry guys said the graphics were impressive. Thanks for letting me know! Didn't know it was out yet.

Okay I can admit that I could have made my point clearer, that's true. I just came into this thread to pat the back of Xbox fans. I think nobody who has ever been interested in this game should be discouraged because it reviewed below average, that was my single intention.


DonFerrari said:

If no game on PS4 is better than Sea of Thieves for you then certainly PS4 isn't for you. I'll consider you similar to ludicrous. Taste is reversed compared to general gamers and reviewers.

No, without a doubt objectively speaking games like God of War are "better" games than Sea of Thieves and rightfully get better reviews. But I'd rather play Sea of Thieves as it has been one of the most unique and fun gaming experiences. 

I wouldn't say my taste is reversed though, I like plenty of high rated games. Just not all of them. And sometimes absolutely love lower rated games like Quantum Break. I certainly prefer to find stuff that suits my taste rather than being a mr general opinion and this applies to music, movies and literature too.

GoOnKid said:

Okay I can admit that I could have made my point clearer, that's true. I just came into this thread to pat the back of Xbox fans. I think nobody who has ever been interested in this game should be discouraged because it reviewed below average, that was my single intention.

Hey man, that's fine ! I 100% agree with that, too! Critics reviews shouldn't be thrown aside, but they aren't the be-all-end-all. If someone is interested in this game, they should absolutely try it. And luckily with Gamepass that's easier now than ever. A lot of people will basically be getting this for free, I imagine. 

Wow even rand al Thor which is a known Xbox fan that have over 1m gamerscore gave this game a 6.5 out of 10. The game is definitely not hitting well with some Xbox fans.