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BraLoD said:
hinch said:

We have a lot of FF fans here. I'd be surprised it if was the most anticipated PS exclusive on VGC.

I'm was kinda in the middle.. For once we might actually have a decent mainline FF, which is what I'm excited for (no puns intended). On the other, GoW (2018) was outstanding and the next title will be too. I'm a fan of both..though slightly leaning towards GoW side myself as its one of my favorite series, and it falls in the 'consistently good' line of games. Its just release dates I'm sketchy about.

I mean FF is a huge franchise, but ever since 12 (or 10 for some) it has greatly fallen from its top tier spot as a series, and GoW is on an all time high with GoW4 being considered by many (me included) the best game from the past gen.

I honestly didn't expect FF16 hype to be bigger, well, they didn't show us GoW5 at all up until now tho, so maybe we need a teaser/gameplay reveal.

Yeah, I hate dogpiling on a franchise I love but FFX was basically the end of the streak. I personally LOVEd XII, but 11, 13, 14, and 15 were all varying levels of disastrous or simply 'okay'. 11 was online, I never played it. 13 is legendarily bad (I won't go into it, my hatred for that game is well known here), FFXIV had one of the worst launches ever (but is pretty good today thanks to a rerelease), and while I personally enjoyed XV, I am not going to pretend it's a good game. the world-building and characters were grand, but the gameplay was really dull and repetitive and simple, while the story was an absolute joke of nonsensical garbage. 

FFVII Remake was amazing, though. I'm in the camp of absolutely loving what they did with it and may be doing with it in the future. I loved the gameplay/combat system, I loved the changes to the story, I loved the art and music and everything else. It's not 'flawless', but I can't think of anything I hate about it or even dislike. 

I think a lot of the reason XVI is getting a lot of love and admiration and anticipation is...a mix of things. It's got the story writers of XIV (which I'm told actually has a really good story; I've not played it so I cannot confirm or deny), a return to old fantasy and epic storytelling, and a combat system that looks like it's heavily inspired by VII Remake. Oh, and it's exclusive. I know that isn't a HUGE deal, but we all know how people can be when it comes to brand loyalty. It's super easy to get over-hyped when the game's an exclusive title. I personally keep forgetting that XVI is exclusive, while I for some reason thought Resident Evil Village was exclusive. 

I only have a PS5 and likely won't be getting the competition, so 'a good game is a good game for me' regardless of its exclusivity. Final Fantasy, Deathloop, Returnal, Kena, none of these strike me as exclusives because I don't believe them to be first party (I could be wrong), so they don't have as much PS hype, just gaming hype in general. 

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I actually really enjoyed XIII tbh. People hated the linear aspect of it but I didn't mind that, it enabled the game to stay focused and on point. Story was quite good as well. Especially when you reach a certain point in the game where it opens up and gives you a tonne more freedom.

The thing that most stuck out for me was the combat (paradigm) which was really unique and flowed well. Was tactical and fun. And the music was usual god tier, especially the last boss theme battle. XIII-2 was interesting too with Pokemon/Ni No Kuni esc gameplay, totally skipped the last one for some reason though.

Bristow9091 said:
Runa216 said:

13 is legendarily bad (I won't go into it, my hatred for that game is well known here), FFXIV had one of the worst launches ever (but is pretty good today thanks to a rerelease)

"Pretty good"? I'd argue it's actually one of the best games in the series, especially the Heavensward story, that in itself is fucking phenomenal! Also if anyone is interested, the base game and Heavensward expansion are actually completely free to play now, that's Lv. 1-60 with so much content! I'd absolutely recommend anyone even remotely interested to give it a try, lol.

As for XIII, since I know you hate the game I won't go into it either, but I respectfully disagree with calling it "legendarily bad", lol

Free on PS4/5? If so, shiiiiit! I might need to try it! 

Yeah, all of my friends seem to speak remarkably highly of FFXIV now. They keep trying to get me to play it but I just don't like monthly fees for anything - it's one of the reasons I refuse to get GamePass (That and liking to own my games).

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hinch said:

I actually really enjoyed XIII tbh. People hated the linear aspect of it but I didn't mind that, it enabled the game to stay focused and on point. Story was quite good as well. Especially when you reach a certain point in the game where it opens up and gives you a tonne more freedom.

The thing that most stuck out for me was the combat (paradigm) which was really unique and flowed well. Was tactical and fun. And the music was usual god tier, especially the last boss theme battle. XIII-2 was interesting too with Pokemon/Ni No Kuni esc gameplay, totally skipped the last one for some reason though.

I got no problem with linearity. I often prefer linear games. The thing I hated was the story, the characters, the combat system, the level progression system, the generic-feeling visuals, the hilariously bad dialogue...etc. I genuinely do not understand how anyone can praise the paradigm system (especially not when also bitching about FFXII's gambit system). 

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XII was good. FFIX is the last great FF ever made. FFX is shit. FF13 series is putrid rancid rotting garbage. FFXV is garbage.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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I could never get into 12. It had a weird hybrid system that didn't click for me.. it also played like a offline MMO.. not my cup of tea. The characters were also a bit.. eh.

Onto XIII yeah some are insufferable like happy go-getter Vanille, but once you kinda clock out of their weird quirks and awkward dialogue, that probably only work on Japanese dialect and customs its not that bad. Like there was nothing like that laughing Tidus scene in that game lol. But yeah it was the switching back and fourth between specs, balancing offense and defense and working with timing. And getting that stagger for big damage. A mechanic that was added on FF7R.

I don't know not for everyone. I enjoyed it enough to complete and that makes it pretty good imo.

Leynos said:

XII was good. FFIX is the last great FF ever made. FFX is shit. FF13 series is putrid rancid rotting garbage. FFXV is garbage.

FFX was decent RPG in its own right but an average FF game. The story is probably the worst of all mainline FF's. Well if you exclude XV which requires you to read books and movies to understand the whole thing.


Yeah it was the live event that got cancelled. Iirc they plan to have a virtual event going for this year. Though it needs a six-figure sum from publishers/developers to be a part of it so I don't see many going for that.

In any case I definitely can see GoW turning up this time in the big PS event in Summer. Hopefully one or two other big reveals too. Like MGS remake or something along those lines. Something to drum up hype for this holiday while they bump up production for the consoles.

Bristow9091 said:
BraLoD said:

13 is better than 10... xD

10 = meh

hinch said:

FFX was decent RPG in its own right but an average FF game.

Leynos said:

FFX is shit.

Right? Like, I get that some (Crazy) people like different games than I do, but man, how could anyone say X was bad? I just went back and played that game again fully expecting to feel the age creeping in, but no! That game was hella good! The reward system and monster hunting/collecting system is great! The progression is amazing! I wish it was a bit more open (it's a very linear game with a few side areas), but other than that, holy hell what a great game! 

Got the platinum trophy and everything. No idea why people seemed to think that trophy was hard. I felt XII's platinum was far more difficult, if I'm being honest. 

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For most of the reasons people shit on XIII they praise X. Both have a lot of the same problems from being too linear to a terrible plot and characters. Not to mention the godfucking awful Nomura art design strikes again. The only good design he ever put out is when someone told him to stop at some point. Like FF7 and Xenoblade 2 (he designed Jin and Malos)

Linear isn't bad by default. Grandia II is a great RPG but it's also just better paced and written than X even if it's more cliche. Its characters have more character. Yes FFX tried something different but different doesn't mean good. Well, it had an interesting story idea but in the end, it was stupid. Yuna looks insane. For a length of a fart in the wind. Grandia was a competitor to FF. I will die on the hill even with less of a budget. Grandia II is the better game between it and long as it's the DC version of Grandia II. That PS2 port was awful.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!