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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reddit user who leaked Fallout 76 is on a spree

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Snoopy said:

How can be that lucky to guess the name "Fallout 76"?

There's what, 7 billion people in the world? If every one of them guessed what the name of the next Fallout game would be the chances of at least one of them getting it right would be pretty good. ie. throw enough shit at a wall and some of it will stick, especially when you've got a huge number of people flinging shit.

To claim that is meaningless, since we have no idea about the:

1) Number of people guessing the titles of future games, 2) posting it on the internet, 3) claiming it to be true, 4) doing so in the day they are to be announced with no previous hint of it whatsoever; and 5) the chance of specifically sticking the number "76" after "Fallout" as a subtitle, among the countless combinations of words and numbers, and getting it right under the aforementioned circumstances.

On the other hand, there is the chance someone with insider knowledge merely decided to collect information about the E3 and leak it online.

The former is possibly harder than the lottery, the later, not so much.

Of course, we don't know the chance of legitimately having information about Fallout 76 and then deliberately try to spread false information in order to gather attention, either.







This looks mostly very predictable.

Square have pretty much already confirmed that KH3 is releasing this year, it would be more noteworthy if this leaker gave a date since Square Enix have said they have a date and will reveal it around E3.

I think I've read elsewhere that Death Stranding was going to be at E3 but I didn't pay much attention, this doesn't seem like a surprise though.

Halo is to be expected and so is Forza .

The Nintendo conference is bound to cover Metroid and Yoshi since they are already announced and Yoshi is nearing release.

Bethesda would likely have a bit more saved for E3 and Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty likely too.

Fortnite seems a given since it's on literally everything else, I expect some cross play with other systems. Fallout is no surprise either since Skyrim already went to the Switch.

As far as I'm concerned he's going to get the bulk of this correct anyway so we'll see if the few ones like a new Punch Out and F-Zero turn out to be true, but it seems the Nintendo stuff was already leaked elsewhere so he might not even have real knowledge of these. If he's right about Sunset Overdrive 2 (it's plausible since Insomniac both want to make it and are under contract for another Xbox game I believe) and new Gears of War, then maybe he knows something but almost all of this is either very likely anyway or already leaked i.e. the Nintendo stuff.

Last edited by Landale_Star - on 30 May 2018

shikamaru317 said:
Fake. A 4Chan leaker knew the Fallout 76 name and that it was a Rust clone 6 months ago. He probably just stole it from that leaker and they both got it right.

True, but what are the odds this guy went snooping around for unkown Fallout related leaks on the interwebs, picked out a rando 4Chan leak and then posted it to Reddit 4 hours prior to the announcement on a 6 year old account without any posts until recently and it turned out to be true? He has to have at least some kind of source.

Sunset 2, F-zero and Starfox are the only things that aren't expected.

He obviously knew about Fallout, but it doesn't mean he knows about Microsoft and Nintendo.

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SmileyAja said:
shikamaru317 said:
Fake. A 4Chan leaker knew the Fallout 76 name and that it was a Rust clone 6 months ago. He probably just stole it from that leaker and they both got it right.

True, but what are the odds this guy went snooping around for unkown Fallout related leaks on the interwebs, picked out a rando 4Chan leak and then posted it to Reddit 4 hours prior to the announcement on a 6 year old account without any posts until recently and it turned out to be true? He has to have at least some kind of source.

Much higher than someone having all the major information of every company at e3. Especially considering that Bethesda teased something.

shikamaru317 said:
SmileyAja said:

True, but what are the odds this guy went snooping around for unkown Fallout related leaks on the interwebs, picked out a rando 4Chan leak and then posted it to Reddit 4 hours prior to the announcement on a 6 year old account without any posts until recently and it turned out to be true? He has to have at least some kind of source.

Parts of this just seems super fake to me. As much as I want Sunset Overdrive 2 to be real, Insomniac suggested just a few months ago that it still wasn't in development. So unless it has been greenlit since then, and MS is announcing it several years too soon, I can't see it being real. 

The Starfield part seems fake as well, a ResetEra verified insider said it would be announced at E3 and release later this year just a month or two ago.

Parts of the Nintendo document leak look fake to me. 

Lastly, he teases an Elder Scrolls 6 announcement next E3, but Bethesda has already they have 2 AAA game releasing before Elder Scrolls 6. One of them is Fallout 76 obviously, Starfield is the other one according to multiple leaks and the official Bethesda trademark, but if Starfield isn't announced at this E3 like he says, then it will be announced next E3, and I can't see Bethesda announcing both Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 on the same E3. 

Overdrive 2 and the Nintendo doc seem rather iffy to me as well. As for Elder Scrolls 6, I dunno if he's actually teasing it. Even if he is, Starfield is a trademark owned by Zenimax meaning it could be developed by any of their studios, not just Bethesda Softworks. A ResetEra insider has plenty more credibility than this guy as it stands right now though.

shikamaru317 said:
SmileyAja said:

Overdrive 2 and the Nintendo doc seem rather iffy to me as well. As for Elder Scrolls 6, I dunno if he's actually teasing it. Even if he is, Starfield is a trademark owned by Zenimax meaning it could be developed by any of their studios, not just Bethesda Softworks. A ResetEra insider has plenty more credibility than this guy as it stands right now though.

Lots of times these "leakers" will embed one nugget of truth in with a bunch of BS in order to pass off the BS stuff as being real as well. For instance, just a few weeks ago there was a leaker who knew the exact date that Nintendo would announce details for Switch's online service. However, several other things from his leak have since been proven untrue. For instance, he said the Sonic Racing game would be announced at Nintendo's E3 conference and would feature Sonic on foot with some other character in Karts, that part was confirmed fake today, as Sonic is in a kart just like the rest of the characters

Didn't that guy state that he got lucky with the date himself afterwards though?

Sony's E3 is gonna be so dry of new stuff that even "leakers" didn't bother making stuff up about it


also guys. calm down, because fallout 76 was originally leaked 6 months ago so he isn't original. and the nintendo list is suspect because they speicifically said htey wont show anything isn't coming in 2018. and a bunch of that stuff wont

Last edited by MasterThief - on 30 May 2018

Fallout 76! Damn, I totally blacked out on the series, last one I played was Fallout 4.

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