This looks mostly very predictable.
Square have pretty much already confirmed that KH3 is releasing this year, it would be more noteworthy if this leaker gave a date since Square Enix have said they have a date and will reveal it around E3.
I think I've read elsewhere that Death Stranding was going to be at E3 but I didn't pay much attention, this doesn't seem like a surprise though.
Halo is to be expected and so is Forza .
The Nintendo conference is bound to cover Metroid and Yoshi since they are already announced and Yoshi is nearing release.
Bethesda would likely have a bit more saved for E3 and Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty likely too.
Fortnite seems a given since it's on literally everything else, I expect some cross play with other systems. Fallout is no surprise either since Skyrim already went to the Switch.
As far as I'm concerned he's going to get the bulk of this correct anyway so we'll see if the few ones like a new Punch Out and F-Zero turn out to be true, but it seems the Nintendo stuff was already leaked elsewhere so he might not even have real knowledge of these. If he's right about Sunset Overdrive 2 (it's plausible since Insomniac both want to make it and are under contract for another Xbox game I believe) and new Gears of War, then maybe he knows something but almost all of this is either very likely anyway or already leaked i.e. the Nintendo stuff.