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Forums - Website Topics - "Likes" Enhancement


Should "Likes" display the list of users?

Yes! 51 63.75%
No! 29 36.25%
CrazyGamer2017 said:
potato_hamster said:

Disagreeing with a post always requires additional explanation? Since when? Where are you getting this "Forum Etiquette 101" because it seems to me some of the biggest social media/internet forums would actually fundamentally disagree with you.


It's common sense. If you tell someone you disagree with them you have to explain why. Otherwise your disagreement is nothing more than a cop out. Only reason you don't want to explain why you disagree is that you have no valid argument to actually disagree.

If you think you have a reason to disagree it is only natural to explain why you disagree.

That's definitely not the only reason why you might be unwilling to explain why you disgaree, as that's obviously a false dilemma. Then again, this thread is full of them, so why stop now?

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potato_hamster said:
CrazyGamer2017 said:

It's common sense. If you tell someone you disagree with them you have to explain why. Otherwise your disagreement is nothing more than a cop out. Only reason you don't want to explain why you disagree is that you have no valid argument to actually disagree.

If you think you have a reason to disagree it is only natural to explain why you disagree.

That's definitely not the only reason why you might be unwilling to explain why you disgaree, as that's obviously a false dilemma. Then again, this thread is full of them, so why stop now?

It actually is the only reason. You worry that your reasons might be debunked so you want to "shoot" the other side but not expose yourself. It's fundamentally unfair and it goes against the very structure of a debate.

If I don't know why you disagree how can I show you that you are wrong? You have to do a little better than just say you disagree cause if you don't say why you disagree, you are not actually disagreeing, you are just using the words "I disagree" as empty words.

But by all means explain yourself and tell me WHAT reasons you could possibly have to not explain why you disagree?

TalonMan said:
potato_hamster said:

For example, on other sites, I regularly use the like feature to recognize a well reasoned, well sourced, well thought out argument that I totally disagree with. I am "liking" the effort and thought that goes into their comment. You might find this strange, but on reddit, as part of the site's etiquette you are  instructed not to like/dislike posts based on whether you agree or disagree with the contents of the posts. You're supposed to like/dislike depending on whether or not you feel the posts meaningfully contributes to the conversation. used to have a similar guideline about "digging/burying" posts.

Disagreeing with a post always requires additional explanation? Since when? Where are you getting this "Forum Etiquette 101" because it seems to me some of the biggest social media/internet forums would actually fundamentally disagree with you.

I presume at some point, you've actually read the rules here? If not, here's a link:

I'll further assist, by directing you to this specific line - this is under the "Substance" rule:

  • Do not reply to other posters with simply "you're wrong" or by calling them a fanboy, idiot, troll (or any other sort of name calling).
Pretty sure this is all standard debate stuff and that you are more than well-versed on how forums typically operate (I could probably pull rules from several random forums, and find similar statements regarding substance). I'm also pretty sure at this point you're just looking to be a contrarian on the topic, just for the sake of being a contrarian. You go on and on about how bad all of this is and how much trouble and confusion it leads to, while telling me you regularly use similar functionality on reddit. If you're going to make a stand for (or against) something, at least be consistent.

I don't use reddit, but I'll have to guess that the reason they state those specific etiquette rules on their system is because using the feature over there is purposely raising (or lowering) the status of comments - something I've repeatedly stated will never happen here. So the comparison doesn't quite fit, does it...?

"I disagree" != "you're wrong".

I am being consistent. It's pretty clear that you don't know the first thing about how it's implemented there or how the userbase uses it to interact with each other, so how can you possibly comment on how inconsistent I'm being? For what it's worth, how comments are sorted and displayed are based on user preferences, but by default, likes/dislikes are not used to raise or lower the status of comments. They are sorted chronologically. I mean, if you're not going to take five minutes to see how the system over there works before you start commenting on how it doesn't apply to your implementation, that's on you.

I should also note that while reddit ettiqutette dictates how like or dislikes should be used, it's pretty obvious using the site that they are not how the userbase uses them. Perhaps you should take note.

CrazyGamer2017 said:

You really believe some people on this forum is going to go ballistic at the people who likes a comment? But they will not go ballistic if the person who likes the comment makes a comment instead of liking a comment?

In other words someone writes "I hate Republicans, they suck". If I put a "like" on that comment I'll be hunted down and I'm dead? but if I DO NOT like that comment but simply reply "I agree, Republicans are the worst and I hate them too". Then I won't be hunted down and targeted? Why would someone want to target me if I LIKE a comment he takes offense at but at the same time he won't target me if I WRITE a comment  he takes offense at?  That absolutely makes no sense to me.

In the meantime I noticed your comment I'm replying to right now has one "Like". So MODS I need to know who liked Fatslob's comment cause I'm supposed to hunt that person down, since I disagree with Fatslob. I'm not hunting Fatslob down cause he WROTE his opinion, I'm just going to hunt down whoever liked his opinion, cause I'm fine with people WRITING their opinion in the forum but "LIKING" an opinion? Well that's where I draw the line and I say hunting season is on!

@Bold With guys that are ideologically driven as VGPolygot is, who are trying their hardest to remove me and slimebeast from these boards it would be prudent to believe that people like them WILL keep track of those who liked our posts since they deem our beliefs to be dangerous. It's a pretty similar scenario where if you don't subscribe to ResetERA's concept of "social justice" and if they had a transparent like system showing who liked posts that shared similar opposing ideals like ours then the user will be persecuted by the community until the end of their days in that community ... 

What people are asking for is awfully similar to back when Nazi Germany existed and commanders decreed that the Jewish people wear an identification mark to make surveillance easier for them ... 

You're way too naive to see how the purpose of the transparent like system can be abused by the community. Writing a comment just explicitly reveals your position but having a transparent like system is just another explicit or implicit way to express your position ... 

With a like system, the user in question doesn't even have to participate in a thread and could turn up to be harassed in future discussions thus discouraging the usage of the like system as an implication to avoid discrimination ... 

Transparency DOESN'T promote honesty, it only serves to promote dishonesty because the users who use the like system are under surveillance and can't hand out a like unless they want to face a potential witch hunt from certain sections of the community without having even written a comprehensive post! 

TalonMan said:

You're not serious - are you?!?!?!

 - There is NOBODY forcing you to click the stupid button
 - I've already stated that if we do this, I wipe the slate clean so EVERYONE knows in advance, their name will be posted if they click

How on earth does this even apply to what you're saying???? Wow. Just - wow...

OK, sure nobody is forcing the them to click the button but you can't deny that transparency makes it far easier for an aggressive community to track dissenting views ... 

Not being able to click the like button without having to be excommunicated or ostracized is somewhat self defeating ... 

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TalonMan said:

Would you quote a user, type the word "Agreed!", and not expect the same fallout? 

Yeah but the user in question doesn't even have to be explicit about it or participate in the thread so that reeks of surveillance ... 

It just makes things far easier for certain sections of the community to exclude the users in the future and that can't be healthy for this community to produce one echo chamber after another ... 

Did you actually change it so the guy would stop acting like a whiner? This means on the next feature hes going to do exactly the same thing

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

I guess another solution would be if nobody has thought up of it is that we have separate like systems for the users who do want to be transparent or not ...

Last edited by fatslob-:O - on 25 April 2018

fatslob-:O said:

@Bold With guys that are ideologically driven as VGPolygot is, who are trying their hardest to remove me and slimebeast from these boards it would be prudent to believe that people like them WILL keep track of those who liked our posts since they deem our beliefs to be dangerous. It's a pretty similar scenario where if you don't subscribe to ResetERA's concept of "social justice" and if they had a transparent like system showing who liked posts that shared similar opposing ideals like ours then the user will be persecuted by the community until the end of their days in that community ... 

What people are asking for is awfully similar to back when Nazi Germany existed and commanders decreed that the Jewish people wear an identification mark to make surveillance easier for them ... 

You're way too naive to see how the purpose of the transparent like system can be abused by the community. Writing a comment just explicitly reveals your position but having a transparent like system is just another explicit or implicit way to express your position ... 

With a like system, the user in question doesn't even have to participate in a thread and could turn up to be harassed in future discussions thus discouraging the usage of the like system as an implication to avoid discrimination ... 

Transparency DOESN'T promote honesty, it only serves to promote dishonesty because the users who use the like system are under surveillance and can't hand out a like unless they want to face a potential witch hunt from certain sections of the community without having even written a comprehensive post! 

The interesting thing is a agree with what you are saying but ONLY in REAL LIFE. I consider websites like Facebook extremely dangerous because people put a ton of very real info there: Actual names, face pictures, family members, address, place of work, political opinions etc. How many times I have read in some forums people actually get threatened for something they said? And if you have all your info out there it would be downright dangerous. So your reasoning is not entirely wrong in my opinion but only in real life.... Over here we are anonymous to begin with.

Also if someone wants to harass me here, they have plenty of opportunity to do so with my controversial opinions, they really don't need to worry about which comments I like, to have an excuse to harass me if they choose to do so. I can't stop people from hating me if they choose to. Well the only way I can stop it is by simply never writing down my opinions then they wouldn't have any reasons to get on my case. But in that case why even make an account in a forum? Lurking on VGC to look at the charts and the video gaming news is enough.

I find it bad enough that in real life one often must shut up because it can be dangerous to freely express oneself so I don't wish to shut up in an anonymous forum just cause someone could get on my case. Also this is part of the fun of being on a forum, exchanging ideas, seeing who agrees with you and who disagrees and why. So about this like system I'll say this: I don't mind a transparent system where your likes are public, but if it bothers some people so much then I'm good too with a like system where only the author of the liked comment knows you liked his/her comment and the like can remain anonymous to everybody else.

I'm going to assume that you and everybody else who do not want a transparent like system would agree to this?

PS: I just liked your comment I'm replying to. So if someone wants to harass me cause I liked your comment, let them go right ahead and see what happens.

TalonMan said:
kirby007 said:
Did you actually change it so the guy would stop acting like a whiner? This means on the next feature hes going to do exactly the same thing

I did it to prove a point...

Better point would have been that digg died, we aint reddit and lots of websites use your system. And then slap a ban on him for being a troll

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.