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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

Nautilus said:

Wrong, you missed the point entirely. It's like you wrote this to purposely ignore the parts of my comment I specifically bolded. In fact , it sounds like you didn't even read my comment.

"Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general"

It has NOTHING to do with people who are only Nintendo fans or only specifically play Nintendo consoles. I said "rabid fans" because Switch owners in this thread are being rabid. It does not matter whether you are only a Nintendo fan, or only a switch owner, or if you own multiple consoles. The point isn't to shitsling Nintendo fans, but if you want to make it about that to invalidate others arguments go ahead. It's that some of the comments in this thread are unreasonable, and at the very least they come from people who are "rabid owners" or whatever you want to call them.

"Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know. This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?"

Did you literally not read my comment at all? How about the part where I went out of my way to highlight an entire paragraph just to make a point? Because you wouldn't have to write this if you read it. Even though those games were never delayed , their release window was extremely far away from the announcement. The difference between that and Dark souls is minimal and nearly non existent. When you think about it, whether it's a "delay" or an unannounced release date is semantics. The time between the announcement and release are extremely similar.

Now I'm sure you'll say "but a delay is a broken promise. they promised x release date and didn't deliver". To which I say : Yes, exactly. This thread could have just been filled with people disappointed that the delay occurred, which is more than fine, and I even said that AND highlighted it in my comment. Yet somehow you did not see it and literally asked me : "What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?". I mean buddy, I have standards too, and if a game gets delayed I will probably be upset as well. But I am responding to the extremists in this thread, the people calling the devs pathetic, the people saying that they are being treated like second class citizens. It is not my problem if you can't separate the two. 

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Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

Yes, I do expect you to believe it, because most people know that when they buy a lottery ticket that the chances of winning are very slim (hence the commonly cited figure of it being more likely to be struck by lightning). Some people may buy lottery tickets out of habit, they may have some disposable income that they buy some with for fun, others may do it out of despair/hopelessness in their personal lives and may do it for hope that they win (and hoping to win is not the same as expecting to win).  

Then what you argumenting with me about?You just agreed with me.Everyone knows the odds of winning games of chance, but the reward is so enticing that they dont mind taking the chance, especially when the ammount they need to spend for a chance to win is so low.If people had 0% expectation of winning such games, Cassinos wouldnt work, wouldnt be in bussiness.Its that slim chance to win, that "but if only" kind of thought, that small expectation to win, that makes people jump the gun and take a chance.

I mean, its only obvious.Everything you do, unless you are forced by someone to do so, you do with even the smallest of expectation to gain something out of it.

I don't know what you're arguing with me about either, since in my original post I said that the person's hopes are too high, not that he shouldn't have hopes at all. I clearly differentiated between hopes and expectations in my original post by using the two words separately.

Hynad said:
Nautilus said:

*sigh* Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general.I am a Sony and Nintendo fan and Im complaining.I dont fit your criteria.How do you explain that, without resorting to what I call as a "hate argument"?Im pretty sure Im not the only one.

Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know.This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?

Plus, I think you confusing being mad at something that the company promised to deliver, and just plain wishing.Ill be the first to admit that I thought that certain companies should have made some different decisions about the release, or lack thereof, of games on the Switch.But I am, and most users are in this site, reasonable when it comes to that.But when some BS comes up, like the whole DQ XI situation regarding the Switch, or now this DS situation, then at least Im not afraid to call a BS for what it is:BS.

The main points that people complain. Why complain. The issues with those ports won't magically get solved because gamers complain.

I am sure the companies making those games don't do that on purpose. They want to make money. Their goal isn't to piss their potential customers, after all. Because pissed potential costumers, are potentially not customers at all.

So the idea that they willingly neglect some gamers, despite putting the cash necessary into making versions of their games for the hardware is quite unreasonable.

Not complaining wont fix the issue either.So what do you propose?Sit by idily, making no pressure, and the companies will listen?

Im not saying that they are doing this on purpose per say.Just that they are either being really inneficient with this, or simply being incompetent.Being incompetent by either not being sure your game will be ready by the time you said it would, or by announcing something that isnt even in production yet.I mean, people looooove to complain that only Nintendo fans do that when its their console is concerned, but what about all the complaining about KH III taking so long to come out?Or about FF 7 Remake?Are they all too Sony fanboys that dont know what they are talking about, that dont know how game development work and thus cant complain about it?See where this leads, especially since that line of argument is far from the truth?

If this were you, and you screwed up something on your job, there would be consequences, one of which could be termination of your job.I know that the companies dont own us anything and all, but even between two friend or two colegues, your word should mean something and when you break it, you should be ready for some kind of consequence.Thats what i mean.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Im not upset by the delay and i 100% still plan on getting it, i just hope it doesnt become a situation like these

1. The game bombs as a result of the delay causing the dev/pub to cut back support.

2. The game is a success leading the dev/pub to find it ok to release Switch version late for other games.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

Then what you argumenting with me about?You just agreed with me.Everyone knows the odds of winning games of chance, but the reward is so enticing that they dont mind taking the chance, especially when the ammount they need to spend for a chance to win is so low.If people had 0% expectation of winning such games, Cassinos wouldnt work, wouldnt be in bussiness.Its that slim chance to win, that "but if only" kind of thought, that small expectation to win, that makes people jump the gun and take a chance.

I mean, its only obvious.Everything you do, unless you are forced by someone to do so, you do with even the smallest of expectation to gain something out of it.

I don't know what you're arguing with me about either, since in my original post I said that the person's hopes are too high, not that he shouldn't have hopes at all. I clearly differentiated between hopes and expectations in my original post by using the two words separately.

*facepalm* But hopes and expectations are the same thing.You are comparing apples to apples.To expect something to happen is to hope for that something to happen.I dont know what there is not to understand.Look, what you mean is this, something I have already written some posts ago:

"What you are saying and what you mean is, is to keep the expectations in check.Expectations will be there regardless, but depending on how big they are, you be more dissapointed, or less dissapointed.But the expectation will be there regardless."

Just substitute expectation for hope, and you get your answer.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Nautilus said:
Hynad said:

The main points that people complain. Why complain. The issues with those ports won't magically get solved because gamers complain.

I am sure the companies making those games don't do that on purpose. They want to make money. Their goal isn't to piss their potential customers, after all. Because pissed potential costumers, are potentially not customers at all.

So the idea that they willingly neglect some gamers, despite putting the cash necessary into making versions of their games for the hardware is quite unreasonable.

Not complaining wont fix the issue either.So what do you propose?Sit by idily, making no pressure, and the companies will listen?

Im not saying that they are doing this on purpose per say.Just that they are either being really inneficient with this, or simply being incompetent.Being incompetent by either not being sure your game will be ready by the time you said it would, or by announcing something that isnt even in production yet.I mean, people looooove to complain that only Nintendo fans do that when its their console is concerned, but what about all the complaining about KH III taking so long to come out?Or about FF 7 Remake?Are they all too Sony fanboys that dont know what they are talking about, that dont know how game development work and thus cant complain about it?See where this leads, especially since that line of argument is far from the truth?

If this were you, and you screwed up something on your job, there would be consequences, one of which could be termination of your job.I know that the companies dont own us anything and all, but even between two friend or two colegues, your word should mean something and when you break it, you should be ready for some kind of consequence.Thats what i mean.

The game isn't your job, and you're not the dev's boss. Right?

But what I propose is what I do. I take the games when they're ready. You won't find me complaining about delays like that. I'm not perfect, but that's something I simply don't do. There are more than enough other games to keep me occupied. So if a game gets delayed, it's not like I'm left with nothing else to play.

I waited years for FF XV and TLG. I mocked the situation a few times. But I didn't complain as if the developer owed me anything.

As for you calling the developers either being incompetent or inefficient. Is it really one or the other? Can't it be something else? Why can it only be that when it comes to third party developers making games for the Switch? Is Nintendo also incompetent when they delay games? That's certainly not the narrative that comes out of these forums, for sure. 

The Switch version uses a hardware architecture that's very different from the other platforms. It's not really difficult to imagine how that complicates the porting process of these kind of games. And before you bring up examples of games that did manage to release on time, I'll point out that each game is different and their requirements are in turn different as well. Couple that with the size of the teams, the number of ports being overseen simultaneously, etc.. and you may be able to see a side of the coin that doesn't necessarily condemn the dev.

Last edited by Hynad - on 17 April 2018

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Nautilus said:

Wrong, you missed the point entirely. It's like you wrote this to purposely ignore the parts of my comment I specifically bolded. In fact , it sounds like you didn't even read my comment.

"Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general"

It has NOTHING to do with people who are only Nintendo fans or only specifically play Nintendo consoles. I said "rabid fans" because Switch owners in this thread are being rabid. It does not matter whether you are only a Nintendo fan, or only a switch owner, or if you own multiple consoles. The point isn't to shitsling Nintendo fans, but if you want to make it about that to invalidate others arguments go ahead. It's that some of the comments in this thread are unreasonable, and at the very least they come from people who are "rabid owners" or whatever you want to call them.

"Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know. This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?"

Did you literally not read my comment at all? How about the part where I went out of my way to highlight an entire paragraph just to make a point? Because you wouldn't have to write this if you read it. Even though those games were never delayed , their release window was extremely far away from the announcement. The difference between that and Dark souls is minimal and nearly non existent. When you think about it, whether it's a "delay" or an unannounced release date is semantics. The time between the announcement and release are extremely similar.

Now I'm sure you'll say "but a delay is a broken promise. they promised x release date and didn't deliver". To which I say : Yes, exactly. This thread could have just been filled with people disappointed that the delay occurred, which is more than fine, and I even said that AND highlighted it in my comment. Yet somehow you did not see it and literally asked me : "What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?". I mean buddy, I have standards too, and if a game gets delayed I will probably be upset as well. But I am responding to the extremists in this thread, the people calling the devs pathetic, the people saying that they are being treated like second class citizens. It is not my problem if you can't separate the two. 

Funny that you accuse me of not reading your post, but then you go ahead and ignore everything I said too.Lets just agree to disagree, because I can already see that we wont see eye to eye and just end up insuloting each other.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

I don't know what you're arguing with me about either, since in my original post I said that the person's hopes are too high, not that he shouldn't have hopes at all. I clearly differentiated between hopes and expectations in my original post by using the two words separately.

*facepalm* But hopes and expectations are the same thing.You are comparing apples to apples.To expect something to happen is to hope for that something to happen.I dont know what there is not to understand.Look, what you mean is this, something I have already written some posts ago:

"What you are saying and what you mean is, is to keep the expectations in check.Expectations will be there regardless, but depending on how big they are, you be more dissapointed, or less dissapointed.But the expectation will be there regardless."

Just substitute expectation for hope, and you get your answer.

Hope and expectation are not the same thing. Hope is an indication of doubt, while expectation doesn't imply that there is doubt.

Nautilus said:

Funny that you accuse me of not reading your post, but then you go ahead and ignore everything I said too.Lets just agree to disagree, because I can already see that we wont see eye to eye and just end up insuloting each other.

What are you talking about? I read everything you said and responded to almost all of it. You literally did not read my comment, or just forgot it somehow, and decided to comment. I directly responded to nearly everything you said. The only thing I didn't respond to was the last paragraph because it was a whole lot of nothing sandwich. There was no need for a response to it. But besides that I responded to everything you said. If you're seriously going to act like I didn't read what you wrote because I cut down my reply to make it look neat, then I don't know what to say. At least my rebuttal actually makes sense, whereas your comment is refuted by things I literally went out of my way to bold. Have a good one.

Hynad said:
Nautilus said:

Not complaining wont fix the issue either.So what do you propose?Sit by idily, making no pressure, and the companies will listen?

Im not saying that they are doing this on purpose per say.Just that they are either being really inneficient with this, or simply being incompetent.Being incompetent by either not being sure your game will be ready by the time you said it would, or by announcing something that isnt even in production yet.I mean, people looooove to complain that only Nintendo fans do that when its their console is concerned, but what about all the complaining about KH III taking so long to come out?Or about FF 7 Remake?Are they all too Sony fanboys that dont know what they are talking about, that dont know how game development work and thus cant complain about it?See where this leads, especially since that line of argument is far from the truth?

If this were you, and you screwed up something on your job, there would be consequences, one of which could be termination of your job.I know that the companies dont own us anything and all, but even between two friend or two colegues, your word should mean something and when you break it, you should be ready for some kind of consequence.Thats what i mean.

The game isn't your job, and you're not the dev's boss. Right?

But what I propose is what I do. I take the games when they're ready. You won't find me complaining about delays like that. I'm not perfect, but that's something I simply don't do. There are more than enough other games to keep me occupied. So if a game gets delayed, it's not like I'm left with nothing else to play.

I waited years for FF XV and TLG. I mocked the situation a few time. But I didn't complain as if the developer owed me anything.

Well, we are at a forum dedicated to videogame news.And one that speciallizes on sales at that.So I guess its normal to expect people to care about these sort of things, like I kind of do.The same way that I can fully agree that what you proposed can work for everyone, or most of us anyway, the same can be said for the other side of the coin:Why does it bother you so much about people being passionate, lets leave it at that, about this subject?Why cant this be as valid as an answer to this news as the one you proposed?

The most likely answer to that question is:In this particular topic and question at hand, you are not as impacted or care as much as other people.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.