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Nautilus said:

Funny that you accuse me of not reading your post, but then you go ahead and ignore everything I said too.Lets just agree to disagree, because I can already see that we wont see eye to eye and just end up insuloting each other.

What are you talking about? I read everything you said and responded to almost all of it. You literally did not read my comment, or just forgot it somehow, and decided to comment. I directly responded to nearly everything you said. The only thing I didn't respond to was the last paragraph because it was a whole lot of nothing sandwich. There was no need for a response to it. But besides that I responded to everything you said. If you're seriously going to act like I didn't read what you wrote because I cut down my reply to make it look neat, then I don't know what to say. At least my rebuttal actually makes sense, whereas your comment is refuted by things I literally went out of my way to bold. Have a good one.