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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Nautilus said:

Wrong, you missed the point entirely. It's like you wrote this to purposely ignore the parts of my comment I specifically bolded. In fact , it sounds like you didn't even read my comment.

"Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general"

It has NOTHING to do with people who are only Nintendo fans or only specifically play Nintendo consoles. I said "rabid fans" because Switch owners in this thread are being rabid. It does not matter whether you are only a Nintendo fan, or only a switch owner, or if you own multiple consoles. The point isn't to shitsling Nintendo fans, but if you want to make it about that to invalidate others arguments go ahead. It's that some of the comments in this thread are unreasonable, and at the very least they come from people who are "rabid owners" or whatever you want to call them.

"Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know. This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?"

Did you literally not read my comment at all? How about the part where I went out of my way to highlight an entire paragraph just to make a point? Because you wouldn't have to write this if you read it. Even though those games were never delayed , their release window was extremely far away from the announcement. The difference between that and Dark souls is minimal and nearly non existent. When you think about it, whether it's a "delay" or an unannounced release date is semantics. The time between the announcement and release are extremely similar.

Now I'm sure you'll say "but a delay is a broken promise. they promised x release date and didn't deliver". To which I say : Yes, exactly. This thread could have just been filled with people disappointed that the delay occurred, which is more than fine, and I even said that AND highlighted it in my comment. Yet somehow you did not see it and literally asked me : "What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?". I mean buddy, I have standards too, and if a game gets delayed I will probably be upset as well. But I am responding to the extremists in this thread, the people calling the devs pathetic, the people saying that they are being treated like second class citizens. It is not my problem if you can't separate the two. 

Funny that you accuse me of not reading your post, but then you go ahead and ignore everything I said too.Lets just agree to disagree, because I can already see that we wont see eye to eye and just end up insuloting each other.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.