01/26/19 :
- Amazon :
1 (-) - Nintendo Switch Neon - 19 (-2) - 298.99$
2 (-) - Nintendo Switch Grey - 33 (-2) - 299.00$
3 (-) - Playstation 4 Slim 1Tb Black - 51 (-6) - 299.95$
4 (-) - Playstation 4 Pro 1Tb Black - 64 (+4) - 399.99$
5 (R) - XBox One S 1Tb Minecraft - 92 (R) - 229.99$
6 (-1) - Playstation 4 Slim 1Tb Spiderman - 93 (+4) - 319.99$
Out of Top 100 :
PS4 : 50 + 37 + 8 = 95 points (-4) ; XBO : 9 points (+9) ; NS : 120 + 86 = 206 points (-14)
- Best Buy :
1 (-) - Nintendo Switch Neon - 4 (-2) - 299.99$
2 (-) - Playstation 4 Slim 1Tb Black - 10 (-) - 299.99$
3 (-) - Nintendo Switch Grey - 12 (+2) - 299.99$
4 (-) - Playstation 4 Pro 1Tb Black - 15 (+2) - 399.99$
5 (-) - XBox One S 1Tb Fortnite - 40 (+24) - 299.99$
Out of Top 100 :
6 (-) - XBox One X 1Tb Battlefield 5 - 89 (-19) - 499.99$
PS4 : 165 + 140 = 305 points (-+10) ; XBO : 72 points (+23) ; NS : 195 + 155 = 350 points (-)
- Gamestop :
1 (-) - Nintendo Switch Neon - 55 (+2)
2 (-) - Playstation 4 Pro 1Tb Black - 97 (-5)
3 (+1) - Playstation 4 Slim 1Tb Black - 128 (+23)
4 (R) - Playstation 4 Slim 1 Tb CoD: BO4 Bundle - 133 (R)
5 (-2) - Nintendo Switch Grey - 139 (-13)
Out of Top 100 :
PS4 : 54 + 37 + 34 = 125 points (+40) ; XBO : 0 point (-) ; NS : 96 + 31 = 127 points (-5)
Overall :
1 - NS : 361.8 points (-16.2) ; Month Average : 431.3 points/day ; 1.0
2 - PS4 : 290.0 points (+38.8) ; Month Average : 335.4 points/day ; 0.78 (-)
3 - XBO : 28.1 points (+15.4) ; Month Average : 30.5 points/day ; 0.07 (-)

The preorder "bonus" for PS4 is 28 points/day this month. So, not much as KH bundles were only there for a day or two on Gamestop list. I don't think this will matter much in the end.
Concerning the Slim/Pro and S/X ratios, I won't do it as I want to keep things as simple as possible for my updates. This is a good idea though, and I think everything you need is available in my update posts if you feel like tracking this.