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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is the 360 in trouble?

I wonder what Crazzyman's response would be to this thread? Crazzy is a reliable source the exact opposite of Starcraft. The 360 is doing well selling software but the hardware numbers are struggling especially in Europe and the 360 is dead in Japan.

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@ starcraft

i disagree with your kz2 v bk3 claim. kz2 has had media exposure, bk3 has been in the dark for so long, that we probably have to treat that as a new franchise. also, bk was a nintendo game, we all know that nintendo fans are loyal to their brand, so chances are they have a wii not a 360, which doesn't exactly help.

and your resistance point also makes no sense. of course the the EXISTING resistance fanbase own the game, that's like saying the entire gears 2 fanbase own a 360 for gears 1. doesn't mean it can't increase it's fanbase.

@ starcraft. Resistance 2 will be a huge improvement upon Resistance 1 and will draw people to the game.

This year will decide the next 2 years for the Xbox. If sales continue to keep falling the rest of the year, it will most likely continue to fall even more the following years. If sales bounce back this year then we'll see a strong Xbox for another 2 years. The problem I'm seeing with the Xbox at the moment has more to do with it's management then the games and system itself. It seems as though Microsoft is still scrambling around like a chicken without it's head since Peter Moore left.

Hopefully we'll see some new exclusives announced over the next few months and the race to second place will be back on again.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Xbox 360 is targeted at hardcore gamers, and up until now, they've managed to stay upright on their big number of decent releases.

But the future does not bode well:
Bungie, the Halo developer, is going multiformat
Bioware, the KOTOR and Mass Effect developer, has been bought by EA and is going multiformat
Bizare Creations, the people behind PGR, have been bough by Activision and are going multiformat.
The games that ex-Final Fantasy dude makes are not as good as they've hoped
Rare software hasn't made a triple A game since N64
They got a VERY bad name when it comes to hardware reliability

Face it, Sony will hit them where it hurts. In game releases.
Sony has far more top devs that are owned by them, or work exclusively for them.
Naughty Dog (Uncharted)
Insomniac (Resistance)
Guerrilla (Killzone)
Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet)
Evolution Studios (MotorStorm)
Sony Studio Japan (Ico, Shadow of the Colossus)
Polyphony (Gran Turismo)
Sony Studio Liverpool (Wipeout)
Sucker Punch (Sly Cooper, working on Infamous)
Sony Studio London (Buzz, Singstar)
Sony Cambridge (24, now working on Eight Days)
Zipper Interactive (SOCOM Series)
Game Republic (Folklore)

Multiplatform devs are starting to get used to the PS3, and that, plus Sony's own PS3 exclusive games, and the fact that the movie industry wil slowly start to push consumers towards blu-ray (by releasing films first on that platform), wil hurt Xbox 360 in a big way.

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360 IS in trouble:
- it's really unreliable, and everyone knows it, so it's a very hard sell for others than die-hard 360 fans, and those already have one (of course they need replacements soon)
- it's already dead in Japan
- it's already dead in mainland Europe
- it's loosing significant market share in the UK
- it has lost its lead in the US against PS3

Only a miracle can save it from doom!

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


Prodigy_BE said:

Multiplatform devs are starting to get used to the PS3, and that, plus Sony's own PS3 exclusive games, and the fact that the movie industry wil slowly start to push consumers towards blu-ray (by releasing films first on that platform), wil hurt Xbox 360 in a big way.


I hope this is not true, because that would piss me off, i don't have a blu-ray player. If people have to wait longer for DVD release, that will not bode well for the movie industry, as piracy which is already bad enough will go through the roof. Trying to force people to buy blu-ray is not going to end well.

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

Quotes to live by!

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

"Man is not the creature of circumstancesCircumstances are the creatures of men"

Here are three ideas that could help:
1. Free 12 month XBox Live gold subscription with every new XBox 360 console purchase.
2. $50 Price cut on all XBox 360 models in the USA.
3. GTA 4 to be bundled with every Elite XBox 360 or Pro XBox 360 console purchase.

I love how it's all the PS3 fanboys who are arguing vehemently that the 360 is "dead" already. :)  (I'm not really referring to the OP, more in the responses to it.) 

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Before we go woo hoo over all this, what is your definition of a system seller.

Everyone says GT5P is a system seller, PS3 sales worldwide is around 180k with a spike to 210-230k over Easter. This means that since GT5P has been released in Europe its main market, the most that this affected HW is around 50k = 0.05m in the week. Its back to 180k this week, which is the same levels before GT5P.

So can someone tell me what does a system seller mean anyway because based on the above, its just a blip in HW.