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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect Presents: Their 1077 Greatest Games - 2017 Edition

Quick chart showing Ranks on the X axis vs Total Points on the Y axis. You can can easily see the dot which represents BotW (on the bottom left) and the other which represents SM64 and how large their leads are. On a side note, the difference between Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past was only 4 points.

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RolStoppable said:
I hope my list got counted.

Also, it looks like non-Nintendo fans threw in the towel in 2017. The top 20 is virtually all Nintendo.

Yours was the second list I got

axumblade said:
RolStoppable said:
I hope my list got counted.

Also, it looks like non-Nintendo fans threw in the towel in 2017. The top 20 is virtually all Nintendo.

The top 20 are all playable on Nintendo consoles. Generally the only non-Nintendo console games that make the top 20 are Final Fantasy VII-IX and Naughty Dogs Ps3 titles (that have all been rereleased on the PS4). I think one of the Metal Gear Solids did too one year but I may be wrong.

MGS3 was #10 last year, although you can play that one on the 3DS . Mass Effect 2 has historically done well too but it's dropped off quite a bit this year.

Last edited by Leadified - on 08 January 2018

axumblade said:
Leadified said:

MGS3 was #10 last year, although you can play that one on the 3DS . Mass Effect 2 has historically done well too but it's dropped off quite a bit this year.

Yeah I forgot how big Mass Effect was before Andromeda. Also Shadow of the Colossus does pretty well normally too. And the 1st year had a decent amount of non-Nintendo titles in the top 20.

Great work old friend. I appreciate all of your hard work. :)

Aw, no problem. I'm happy to do it!

Great work!

Glad to see Persona 5 making top 50!

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

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Thanks for doing this Leadified.  This is some awesome work!


RolStoppable said:
I hope my list got counted.

Also, it looks like non-Nintendo fans threw in the towel in 2017. The top 20 is virtually all Nintendo.

I was very entertained by the top 10 alone: 4 Zeldas, 4 Marios, a Mario Kart, and a Metroid barely squeaking in at #10.  It seems like it's just two franchises that are especially dominating the charts.

Amazing work with the list!!!

I really like this event (one of the main reasons I joined this site) and I hope the number of participants can continue increasing in the next years (hopefully we get more Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest fans :D) Xenoblade did amazingly well and really nice that Nier Automata entered the top 100. The Kingdom Hearts games  did as well as they always do, though I wish Dragon Quest VIII (and the DQ series in general) got more love here and I think Chrono Trigger/FFVI deserve to be in the top 20. Seeing Breath of the Wild in #1 makes me want to play it even more but the amount of money I'd have to shell out for a Switch (and some games) is something that I just can't go and spend right now, but in the future I will surely do it.

Best thread on the site! Leadified, how long did you slave over this? 

Mnementh and I have got to collude next year. We could have put an Etrian Odyssey in the top ten for 3DS games! We both listed Etrian Odyssey titles as our #2 games of all time. I picked EO4 and he picked EO Untold. If either of us had picked the other one's game it would have topped the 3DS list.

Great job as usual Blue.

I'll find a way to bring Symphonia back to the top 50 this year.

And nice to see Odyssey and BotW high in the list.

Nice, thanks for your work

Symphonia in top 100 which is nice

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