Not really sure why people keep trying to argue against Amazon.
It has been by far the vest predictive NPD tool by far even it isn't alway 100% right.
Switch is winning January.
Not really sure why people keep trying to argue against Amazon.
It has been by far the vest predictive NPD tool by far even it isn't alway 100% right.
Switch is winning January.
newwil7l said: Not really sure why people keep trying to argue against Amazon. It has been by far the vest predictive NPD tool by far even it isn't alway 100% right. Switch is winning January. |
There is a reason why these Amazon threads continues and gets lots of posts. And that is the main reason.
Pocky Lover Boy!
Labo will be a big success. I just think it should have launched during fall/near holiday season.
It will definetly sell systems to families in need of argument to buy a console to their kids.
It might become a hit too and moms will say its "such a nice product my kid is using is imagination weow"
I mean 1.6 million views in 6 hours (views are lock and will update faster beyond 10 hours since it got views fast). It will definetly get some attention and sales. It will get #1 trending soon and will end up at 9 millions views in a day im calling it.
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