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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Reviews - (83) Metacritic (83) Opencritic

OTBWY said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

He did play and like other JRPGs like Persona 5. I think the Xenoblade series just rubs him the wrong way. 

Because Xenoblade is "problematic".

Wow. What a concern troll. She is wringing her hands in an emotional display. The camera is meant to be showing that. 

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Cerebralbore101 said:
OTBWY said:

Because Xenoblade is "problematic".

Wow. What a concern troll. She is wringing her hands in an emotional display. The camera is meant to be showing that. 

And now you know why I never ever take Jason and his publication seriously. Kotaku is, and always will be, shit.

OTBWY said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

Wow. What a concern troll. She is wringing her hands in an emotional display. The camera is meant to be showing that. 

And now you know why I never ever take Jason and his publication seriously. Kotaku is, and always will be, shit.

Wait, what? He's the fucking editor? Not just some random ass guy they hired to do reviews? How can you be the editor of a games site, and...

1. Not even bother to complete a game that you are reviewing. (He only got 50 hours into this 90 hour game.)

2. Not realize how body language works? 

SMH. I need to go to Opencritic now, and uncheck them from the trusted box. I don't want that level of unprofessionalism effecting my personal Opencritic scores. I know they don't do review scores anymore but they used to and older games don't need their input for averages. 

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
IGN review is hilarious, the dude complains about almost anything that is not the combat , in the end gave it 8.5 xD
8.5 is great in IGN

This is the only review i saw.

IGN has 30 different reviewers. They hand out high scores like candy. If it's hyped it'll get at least 8/10 from IGN. IGN has multiple conflicts of interest. They and GameSpot are why people think all review publications are bribed. 

OTBWY said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

He did play and like other JRPGs like Persona 5. I think the Xenoblade series just rubs him the wrong way. 

Because Xenoblade is "problematic".

That's just an awful shot, though it would be almost impossible to not make this costume look ridicolous.


Have you seen the "hold my beer" post, that one was hilariously bad!

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Tulipanzo said:
OTBWY said:

Because Xenoblade is "problematic".

That's just an awful shot, though it would be almost impossible to not make this costume look ridicolous.


Have you seen the "hold my beer" post, that one was hilariously bad!

I have. It's nothing but SJW outrage. Nothing new.

OTBWY said:
Tulipanzo said:

That's just an awful shot, though it would be almost impossible to not make this costume look ridicolous.


Have you seen the "hold my beer" post, that one was hilariously bad!

I have. It's nothing but SJW outrage. Nothing new.

If is the one I think you are talking about, while I don't agree with some extreme comments, the design of the blade is pretty shitty and while that doesn't apply to everything in the game, they stick out like a sore thumb.

ARamdomGamer said:
OTBWY said:

I have. It's nothing but SJW outrage. Nothing new.

If is the one I think you are talking about, while I don't agree with some extreme comments, the design of the blade is pretty shitty and while that doesn't apply to everything in the game, they stick out like a sore thumb.

I 100% disagree and I think it's crap like that that causes Nintendo to panic and censor all their games. It's fake outrage and IMO racist ass hell the way they are talking about Japanese artists and some having had a background in Hentai.

Okay I can't defend that last picture.

OTBWY said:
ARamdomGamer said:

If is the one I think you are talking about, while I don't agree with some extreme comments, the design of the blade is pretty shitty and while that doesn't apply to everything in the game, they stick out like a sore thumb.

I 100% disagree and I think it's crap like that that causes Nintendo to panic and censor all their games. It's fake outrage and IMO racist ass hell the way they are talking about Japanese artists and some having had a background in Hentai.

I don't have an issue with "sexualized" characters, heck I play games like Senran Kagura, but can you really defend the design of the pic that Wizz posted above for example?

If you are gonna make sexualized characters, at least make them good and have some interesting design elements to them.