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Because it lost a game of Scrabble to Pluto.

Why doesn't my father love me?

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His Mommy took away his internet privelages.

When was the last time I brushed my teeth.

Why is Mario short?

Because he had a birth defect

Why does Link wear a skirt?

Brawl FC: 2106-1814-5245

Because he likes the breeze.

Why are you so fat?

Around the Network

I am binge eating to get over the pic I saw of your mom.

Why do pokemon exist?

I like luinil's answer better :)

I contain his enormous breasts?

When will DMeisterJ lose his virginity?

They aren't fun they're amusing.

Does anyone esle get uncomfortable when Soriku is part of a discussion about bras, gays, penises, boners etc?

Not at all.

Why is child Zelda in OoT bald?

He was expecting Harry Pothead to grow up faster.

Are you smart?