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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNCHARTED-Birthday = ) 10 Years, Naughty Dog! Your favorite character?


Who is your favorite character after Nathan Drake?

Elena 11 24.44%
Sam Drake 1 2.22%
Victor Sullivan 24 53.33%
Chloe Frazer 5 11.11%
Rafe Adler 1 2.22%
Zoran Lazarević 1 2.22%
Nadine Ross 1 2.22%
Karl Schäfer 0 0%
other character 1 2.22%
KazumaKiryu said:
Replicant said:

I've had loads of fun with this franchise (especially Uncharted 2).

my favorite with Uncharted 4 < 3

Errorist76 said:

Drake first, Sully and Elena on second and third place in my heart.

Who as well thinks we'll see another spin-off featuring Sully and Sam next?! (no matter which time frame actually) Really hoping for it and tbh at the end of U4 everything looked like that'd would be the next title...Nadine and Chloe really was a nice surprise though.

Congratulations Naughty Dog! One of my all time favourite franchises and better than anything an old Indiana Jones fan like me ever could have wished for!

Great top 3 : D Sully and Sam, i think so too : ) Maybe with Chloe or a other new character then.

Munchies said:
It's a really good franchise, though I think trying to play all titles back-to-back burned myself out a bit. The first one was for sure a drag, but the second one was a lot better. The third one was also pretty good. I haven't finished the fourth yet, but you can see ND has found a MO to go by (its visuals are similar to TLOU). I'm really looking forward to finishing U4 and then moving on to TLL so that I can be finished with the franchise.

Play U4 and enjoy this masterpiece : ) The worlds are sooo amazing in the game, after country Scotland. The jungle...Incredible < 3 And the End..

DonFerrari said:

Double platined 1,2,3 and platined 4 (the second plat for 1,2,3 and after plat on 4 happened back to back) and I'm not burned yet =~]

Have probably played 6 times 1,2,3 each, and 3 times 4.

Gratulation ! :)

Sully wins the poll : D

PS: Until Tuesday, November 21 at 8am you can download a free Uncharted 10th Anniversary PS4 system theme and profile avatar. Other select Uncharted themes and avatars will also be free.

Sully is fantastic

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

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DonFerrari said:
KazumaKiryu said:

my favorite with Uncharted 4 < 3

Great top 3 : D Sully and Sam, i think so too : ) Maybe with Chloe or a other new character then.

Play U4 and enjoy this masterpiece : ) The worlds are sooo amazing in the game, after country Scotland. The jungle...Incredible < 3 And the End..

Gratulation ! :)

Sully wins the poll : D

Sully is fantastic

Yes, he is - but Elena is easily 2nd place with me : D

Who is your favorite enemy from the uncharted-series? For me Zoran Lazarevi (from Uncharted 2) and Rafe Adler (Uncharted 4).

KazumaKiryu said:
DonFerrari said:

Sully is fantastic

Yes, he is - but Elena is easily 2nd place with me : D

Who is your favorite enemy from the uncharted-series? For me Zoran Lazarevi (from Uncharted 2) and Rafe Adler (Uncharted 4).

Yes I like Elena a lot (even though the other girl is hottier, Elena is a better pairing)... And as villain I would say I like the old lady more. But as final fight, being a blue ogre with Zoran was more of a challenge.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Choosing between Sullivan and Elena is very hard. But I will go for Elena since I see her a a role model how women should be represented in a video game. Besides the couch scene, the cutscene OP showed and the cutscene in Madagascar where among the best examples of character development and chemistry in video games.


Sully is a great character and I always like his sense of humour. So he is obviously second, although unlike other charaxters his doesnt develop all that much over the series. But then again he is to old for that shit and will always go to hell to save Nate.

Chloe is third I liked her in Uncharted 2 and I loved her in Lost Legacy. Really enjoyable to see her character develop from Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 4. Hell I would to see her star in a new Uncharted game.

Last edited by Qwark - on 21 November 2017

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

1) Drake
2) Eddie Rajah
3) Sully

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I voted for Sully. The rock. I think my favorite Sully moment might be when he simply shows up in Golden Abyss. I had a feeling he wouldn't be in the game, and when he appeared, it was kinda like seeing an old friend. I liked all the characters really, but special shout out to Chloe "that ass" Frazer.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

So glad when she got her own game, always my favorite supporting character.

Qwark said:

Choosing between Sullivan and Elena is very hard. But I will go for Elena since I see her a a role model how women should be represented in a video game. Besides the couch scene, the cutscene OP showed and the cutscene in Madagascar where among the best examples of character development and chemistry in video games.

Sully is a great character and I always like his sense of humour. So he is obviously second, although unlike other charaxters his doesnt develop all that much over the series. But then again he is to old for that shit and will always go to hell to save Nate.

Chloe is third I liked her in Uncharted 2 and I loved her in Lost Legacy. Really enjoyable to see her character develop from Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 4. Hell I would to see her star in a new Uncharted game.

Interesting comment :) For me it's funny - I hated Chloe in Uncharted 2. In Uncharted 3, I found her okay. And in "Lost Legacy" I like she a lot: D

Nymeria said:

So glad when she got her own game, always my favorite supporting character.

Nice pic. She looks sooo good in Lost Legacy. How do you like Elena?

KazumaKiryu said: 
Nymeria said:

So glad when she got her own game, always my favorite supporting character.

Nice pic. She looks sooo good in Lost Legacy. How do you like Elena?

Elena is fine, I see her appeal and why Nathan marries her, but I prefer adventure and danger myself.

Fav character would be Sully. I think i'll play Lost Legacy this weekend.