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Choosing between Sullivan and Elena is very hard. But I will go for Elena since I see her a a role model how women should be represented in a video game. Besides the couch scene, the cutscene OP showed and the cutscene in Madagascar where among the best examples of character development and chemistry in video games.


Sully is a great character and I always like his sense of humour. So he is obviously second, although unlike other charaxters his doesnt develop all that much over the series. But then again he is to old for that shit and will always go to hell to save Nate.

Chloe is third I liked her in Uncharted 2 and I loved her in Lost Legacy. Really enjoyable to see her character develop from Uncharted 2 to Uncharted 4. Hell I would to see her star in a new Uncharted game.

Last edited by Qwark - on 21 November 2017

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar