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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

shikamaru317 said:
Aura7541 said:

Another thing to point out is GameStop's $349 PS4 Pro deal. This was the 2nd best Pro deal to Amazon's $349 Destiny 2 bundle before that quickly sold out.  Reading through Abdiel's assessment again, it looks like the Pro sold better than the X even though it's still $399 at Best Buy.

Wasn't Pro $350 at Best Buy as well? 

Huh, I was not aware of this as I only saw articles of GameStop offering the Pro for $349. It could be the case of Best Buy pricematching GameStop. Apparently, Walmart is also selling the Pro for $349.

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pitzy272 said:

Update from Abdiel on resetera:

 The 3DS was almost an afterthought by comparison, selling okay, moving some stock, but not really having any limelight other than being cheaper and having a solid existing library to work off of for people wanting Nintendo stuff.

If anything from Nintendo is due for a discount it's the 3DS/2DS line. When I was at Target they had GAGGLES of 3DS/2DS in stock with EIGHT different SKUs (Pokeball, Orange 2dsxl, Black 2dsxl, 3dsxl, Galaxy 3dsxl, Zelda 2ds, Mario Kart 2ds, NSMB2 2ds). Perhaps Nintendo overshipped this year, not wanting to repeat shortages of last year. Only thing is USUM isn't moving units like Sun/Moon did last year. If they price dropped 2DS to like $59, 2dsxl to $99, and 3dsxl to $149 they'd fly off shelves I'm sure. Stop being stubborn Nintendo!! 

shikamaru317 said:
thismeintiel said:

The same thing happened last year, but Sony put enough stock out by Mon to win Cyber Monday.  Don't see why they wouldn't do it again this year.

As I said above, the same thing happened last year, but Sony got more out.  Also, where do you see that info?  All I see is that it is in stock and being sold by ProSale for $295.

It did say in stock November 30th, but then they removed it. 

Oh. I wouldn't take those as fact at this point in time.  When the PS4 ran out, that date changed several times.  I think one time it even said Dec 1st.

Aura7541 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Wasn't Pro $350 at Best Buy as well? 

Huh, I was not aware of this as I only saw articles of GameStop offering the Pro for $349. It could be the case of Best Buy pricematching GameStop. Apparently, Walmart is also selling the Pro for $349.

Nice.  Maybe Pro did better at B&M, then.  I know the $349 Pro was doing great on Amazon while it was still in stock.

thismeintiel said:
shikamaru317 said:

It did say in stock November 30th, but then they removed it. 

Oh. I wouldn't take those as fact at this point in time.  When the PS4 ran out, that date changed several times.  I think one time it even said Dec 1st.

Aura7541 said:

Huh, I was not aware of this as I only saw articles of GameStop offering the Pro for $349. It could be the case of Best Buy pricematching GameStop. Apparently, Walmart is also selling the Pro for $349.

Nice.  Maybe Pro did better at B&M, then.  I know the $349 Pro was doing great on Amazon while it was still in stock.

From reports the pro seemingly has done ok, seems many people didn't want to shell out the full cost and the deals have pushed a few people over. I got one in the UK, came with 2 games at 299. Which made it about 260 after the cost of the games taken off (If I wanted to trade them in).

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

$189 Xbox One S at #62 on yearly charts, #10 for November. 

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thismeintiel said:
jason1637 said:
I think the Xbox One S will win Cyber Monday. PS4 is still sold out most places online and it doesnt look like its coming back in stock in time for cyber monday.

The same thing happened last year, but Sony put enough stock out by Mon to win Cyber Monday.  Don't see why they wouldn't do it again this year.

shikamaru317 said:

PS4 Slim back in stock on November 30th, 3 days after Cyber Monday. They're taking preorders for it at $290. Maybe Sony is going to drop the price on the Battlefront 2 bundle for Cyber Monday instead? If not, MS may win Cyber Monday by default simply by being the only one with stock. 

As I said above, the same thing happened last year, but Sony got more out.  Also, where do you see that info?  All I see is that it is in stock and being sold by ProSale for $295.

PS4 was in stock when Monday came last year. This year Amazon is saying it wont get restocked til Nov 30t. Hop[efully it changes and Sony can get stock in by Monday but it looks like the Xbox One will be the only base console in stock on cyber monday so i think they will sell more by defualt. 


PortisheadBiscuit said:

If they price dropped 2DS to like $59, 2dsxl to $99, and 3dsxl to $149 they'd fly off shelves I'm sure. Stop being stubborn Nintendo!! 

Realistically how much would that really affect sales?

I mean if $79 for 2DS with a game bundled doesnt get you to buy one than is $59 really that tempting? It might see a slight temporary upkick in sales but essentially all that would do is reduce its profit margin.

I get the feeling that the N2DS XL is meant to outright replace the N3DS XL (already confirmed is select regions) so thats essentially a price cut to the premium model.


At $79/$149 the system is already quite cheap and we probably wont see any true price cuts until its about to be discontinued and retailers want to get rid of stock.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

It seems like sales have dropped off a cliff since BF.

I think the extended period and CM have mitigated a lot of the online fervor.

zorg1000 said:


PortisheadBiscuit said:

If they price dropped 2DS to like $59, 2dsxl to $99, and 3dsxl to $149 they'd fly off shelves I'm sure. Stop being stubborn Nintendo!! 

Realistically how much would that really affect sales?

I mean if $79 for 2DS with a game bundled doesnt get you to buy one than is $59 really that tempting? It might see a slight temporary upkick in sales but essentially all that would do is reduce its profit margin.

I get the feeling that the N2DS XL is meant to outright replace the N3DS XL (already confirmed is select regions) so thats essentially a price cut to the premium model.


At $79/$149 the system is already quite cheap and we probably wont see any true price cuts until its about to be discontinued and retailers want to get rid of stock.

1.Historically we've seen Nintendo products catapult in sales when they receive a discount 

2.$59 is impulse buy territory, especially considering $59 is the average price for just one Switch game. 

3.The 2DSXL model is overpriced IMO and that's why it isn't moving units, cabinets at Target, Wal Mart, etc are full of these things collecting dust. 6 year old handheld hardware should not be $149, it's only $20 cheaer than the 3DS was in 2011. 

shikamaru317 said:
Kerotan said:
Has the $189 xb1 sold out yet?

Nope, still going strong. The daily update to the monthly charts usually comes around noon to 1 pm eastern (1-2 hours from now) as I recall, so let's see how many places it moved up the monthly chart after 24 hours at #2 on hourly. 

It must be worrying for Microsoft that Xbox isn't selling out at such a low price.