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pitzy272 said:

Update from Abdiel on resetera:

 The 3DS was almost an afterthought by comparison, selling okay, moving some stock, but not really having any limelight other than being cheaper and having a solid existing library to work off of for people wanting Nintendo stuff.

If anything from Nintendo is due for a discount it's the 3DS/2DS line. When I was at Target they had GAGGLES of 3DS/2DS in stock with EIGHT different SKUs (Pokeball, Orange 2dsxl, Black 2dsxl, 3dsxl, Galaxy 3dsxl, Zelda 2ds, Mario Kart 2ds, NSMB2 2ds). Perhaps Nintendo overshipped this year, not wanting to repeat shortages of last year. Only thing is USUM isn't moving units like Sun/Moon did last year. If they price dropped 2DS to like $59, 2dsxl to $99, and 3dsxl to $149 they'd fly off shelves I'm sure. Stop being stubborn Nintendo!!