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Forums - Sony Discussion - So I am playing Persona 5..

First time I played the game, I thought everything was over-stylized, overdone.

After playing the game for about 20 hours, I still think it is, but I got used to it.

Game still has great visuals. It's just way too "in your face" for my taste. Sometime, as others have said, less is more.

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Well... i havent gone around to playing through it, but i do think these are design choices.

I don't know if they are here, but there is something i hate wich is some games make the camera hop/jump as your character moves/runs.
I hate that and it's borderline nausea inducing.

I know the original TR remake had that and while i loved the game, i really really hated that.

thx @A_C_E for standing up for me and the others I have seen in this thread ^^

anyway, of course I was hyperbowling a bit with the "thousand" animations, but it definately feels like that.
The pattern within a pattern only happens during cutscenes with kamoshida I think. Im having a hard time making screenshots cuz everything is blocked.. somehow

anyway I am not trying to downplay Persona or anything, as I have stated before. I love Persona games, but I just think the UI is a total mess, and its more confusing than helping, Persona 4 had a very different artstyle, and while I do not want it to be like Persona 4 I was just expecting at least something more readable. But for me its confusing and its just too much at times.
This will not hinder me to play this game though, I just wanted to know what other think of it.

as for the whole screen is moving, I mean everything and especially in dungeons, there are places that are warping around, but I found that are just points where the world seems to be breaking apart.
The TV-Screen effect from Persona 4 is way more subtle and fits perfectly without beeing distracting. While in 5 its very distracting and is taking me away from the world.

This is the pattern within a pattern.    the dungeon pattern is inside and outside you have another pattern.

now Imagine they are all moving at the same time

Hiku said:

Here's the thing though. If you join our conversation with the sole intent of adding nothing but personal insults, or theories about why I said what I said, the least you can do is respond to everything I said. There are some things in my previous post that you ignored, that adress some of the things you brought up here. You don't have to go back to that post now because I re-introduced some of those points here again. But I'd apreciate if you don't glaze over 90% of it again and act as if I never said them.
Just like how I want to understand the OP, and for others to understand him better, I want to be clear about my thought process as well.

You can try and explain a theoretical motive all you want. What I'm saying is you were acting as if you couldn't see the moving sides when clearly they were moving, that's it! I don't care about WHY you would do it, just that you did it... If you are going to just say you couldn't understand because he was too vague for you to understand, then fine, hard to believe, but accepted.

The first post was vague, the second was incredibly revealing yet you didn't pick up on it, and the third post you again didn't pick up on what he meant but then all of a sudden you did then you slough it off in what seems to be an effort to conceal anything that may be wrong with the game.

My sole purpose was not to add insult. I actually told you that you weren't stupid enough to not be able to see the sides and that you were just acting, which may be construed as insulting as well but what that was not the sole purpose. It's called a callout. I was calling you out on the disacknowledged approach you took in regards to the moving sides. People get called out sometimes. And no, I'm not going to repsond to everything you said when I have no interest in everything else you said, sorry!

Hiku said:
Ultr said:

thx @A_C_E for standing up for me and the others I have seen in this thread ^^

anyway, of course I was hyperbowling a bit with the "thousand" animations, but it definately feels like that.
The pattern within a pattern only happens during cutscenes with kamoshida I think. Im having a hard time making screenshots cuz everything is blocked.. somehow

anyway I am not trying to downplay Persona or anything, as I have stated before. I love Persona games, but I just think the UI is a total mess, and its more confusing than helping, Persona 4 had a very different artstyle, and while I do not want it to be like Persona 4 I was just expecting at least something more readable. But for me its confusing and its just too much at times.
This will not hinder me to play this game though, I just wanted to know what other think of it.

as for the whole screen is moving, I mean everything and especially in dungeons, there are places that are warping around, but I found that are just points where the world seems to be breaking apart.
The TV-Screen effect from Persona 4 is way more subtle and fits perfectly without beeing distracting. While in 5 its very distracting and is taking me away from the world.

Hyperbole in itself is not always a problem. But when you're trying to describe something, it can cause confusion.
For example, when you say "everything on the screen is moving at the same time" I don't know where I should actually be looking. Especially if you don't reveal that it only happens in rare occasions.

And in spite of A_C_E claiming that I was being defensive of Persona 5, that wasn't it and I never critisized you for having a negative opinion. I questioned why you'd compare it to Persona 4 in some instances, as it didn't seem like you had considered that the tarot card for example is less relevant than Joker jumping down.
I don't mind if you love or hate the game, really. I haven't even finished the game so I don't know what to think of it overall yet.

The problem I had was that not only was it difficult to understand what you were refering to at times. And it still is, mind you. Do you consider all of these things you mentioned as part of the UI? I'm not going to critisize your definition of it. I'm just curious, as that could explain a lot about how you described things.

But also, after you replied to my first post, I admitedly became annoyed because I felt like even after you could see that I put effort into my post with pictures and gifs, you put almost no effort into helping me understand what you were talking about. I felt like you could have told me what color or shape I should look for, or narrow down what part of the screen I should be looking at. You said "right there". I already knew it was supposedly somewhere on the sides, but there are a lot of things on the sides. Even things that are moving. And the only thing that could qualify as a pattern within a pattern were the buttons and icons that had a font within a font.

I appreciate that you now gave me a screenshot to help me understand better. You didn't even have to go that far earlier. Just telling me the color probably would have solved the mystery right away.
Although to be honest I'm still not sure what you mean by just looking at the image. Do you mean that the rainbow colored thing is overlaping with the green? Or is it the image of the calling card that's overlaping with the green? Either way I will look up videos of it later to see what you mean more clearly.

If you find the UI difficult to read because of the animations and whatnot, then that's proper criticism of it. But you didnt say that initially. You only mentioned the excessive animations and pictures, but didn't say why, or if, they caused a problem for your reading.
The whole screen is moving in dungeons only when the world is breaking appart? Yeah, I remember there are distortions like that at times. Although I think it happens very rarely? If I hadn't booted up my game yesterday I don't think I would have remembered it.
There can also be a lot of different lights on the screen also, which can understandably look overwhealming for some. Here for example:

On my screen and on yours (though its not very clear) on the edges there are patterns that move around. the green pattern and outside of it there is the black/gray pattern. All of them are moving around

The whole game is sometimes overdone. But the UI especially. I know its the style of the game, but I think less would have helped it.


Also another thing that comes to mind is the victory screen... absolutely overdone :D red rays flashing through the screen, characters posing and running in the background, explosions with numbers and what not...

anyway I have found a site that "praises" exactely what I mean that I find overdone

especially gif number 2 and 4

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Hiku said:

I wasn't acting, is my point.
And I explained why your theory made no logical sense in regards to my third post.
If I pretended that I needed him to point me in the right direction in order to see it, I would have waited for him to point me in the right direction. Not all of a sudden two rows below admit that I can see it by myself. That would defeat the whole point.

I read all your posts well enough. You are advocating that you weren't acting and I'm saying I don't believe you. That's it. You keep saying that it wouldn't make logical sense for you to just act like they weren't moving but I have already explained why it makes logical sense. You go on about how you don't understand what he is talking about only to then say you do finally in your thrid post. Your trick is to let time pass before you acknowledge to him that you notice the moving shapes around the border in an effort to make it seem like it's unnoticeable. Not something I would do but seems pretty logical to me.

And just for the record, it would suit you more if you were offended by statements but it doesn't work when you are offended by a question, especially a rhetorical question. "Do you have no self-respect?", is a question, albeit one that can be taken offensively but still just a question, a rhetorical one at that.

Never really noticed... Maybe I should pay more attention.

Honestly thought the criticisms would go to something more annoying like lack of information on skip button after beating the game or something.

Hiku said:

First of all, no, what you've done is constantly avoiding to adress most of what I've said about it.
And no, that's not what I said. Don't twist my words by cutting most of them out.

Why are you trying (and succeeding I might add) to go off on this huge tangent in every response? I think you were acting, that's it. Obviously I think you are lying when you said you weren't acting. We have made enough responses to one another to figure out that you can't convince me otherwise. I am not stating it as an absolute that you were lying about acting, just my interpretation. You can take it or leave it but don't respond trying to explain motives as if people don't/wouldn't have stupid motives. I don't even know you, what am I supposed to do...just take your word for it knowing full well that people will defend themselves even when they are caught in a lie?

It is so simple to tell me that I don't know what I am talking about without this novel-worthy wall of text.

Hiku said:
Ultr said:

On my screen and on yours (though its not very clear) on the edges there are patterns that move around. the green pattern and outside of it there is the black/gray pattern. All of them are moving around

The whole game is sometimes overdone. But the UI especially. I know its the style of the game, but I think less would have helped it.


Also another thing that comes to mind is the victory screen... absolutely overdone :D red rays flashing through the screen, characters posing and running in the background, explosions with numbers and what not...

anyway I have found a site that "praises" exactely what I mean that I find overdone

especially gif number 2 and 4

Oh you mean this?

Ok, now I know what you're talking about. I'll take a look at it in motion in a video to see how they overlap.

And it's fine to think the animations are excessive. I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.
Just realize that I didn't understand what your isasue was exactly at first. For example, I didn't know if the animations made it hard for you to read certain things or not. In your latest post you revealed that it does.
In regards to the victory screen, do the animations cause problems for you to read the text there too? Or do you just not like them there because they feel excessive? It's fine to think that too. Just curious.

Yeah, a lot of people seem to especially praise the game for these things. So it's all the more interesting to come across someone who feels the opposite.
In fact, it would be a dream come true of mine to be able to visit Atlus and find out how the designe theme came up with their ideas for the animations and themes of the game. That's probably because I majored in visual communication. (Graphic design.)

I think they are excessive, yes.

And its not because I think things are only difficult to read, I just think  that they really tried hard to get their style but have gone overboard. Because I get their style when I open the menu, you dont have to go all superfancy and change everything on screen when going from one option to another just to get your style across.

Im still at kamoshidas dungeon and its just painful to always be distracted by the moving patterns on the side of the screen. I was fully immersed with p4g and that was on a way smaller screen.

I am an artist myself and I would also like to have a talk with these guys ,but for different reasons!