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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FIFA 18 on Switch accounted for 1% of all UK physical copies sold

I remember this user claiming fifa switch would sell like crazy in europe. I guess this means the uk is not a part of it anymore? :P

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GribbleGrunger said:

Not great but I don't think Nintendo need this just yet.

I find it pretty interesting how the portability reflects on the "feel" this game gives Users in general. I mean, on the other systems, around 50 people (XBone, PC) or 130 people (PS4) have rated the game and all have user score < 5 on metacritic. Yet the Switch version has also around 50 user ratings by now and it evens out at currently 8.0. Basically, this appears to be the most satisfying FIFA version across all platforms as of right now. This even is reflected in amazon where Switch version has the highest rating across all platforms currently (4 Stars, XBone version having 3.5.). And that is even though Switch does not have all features of the main game. It's incredibly interesting to see portability mattering for this series this much.

34 years playing games.


Teriol said:
GribbleGrunger said:

Not great but I don't think Nintendo need this just yet.

I find it pretty interesting how the portability reflects on the "feel" this game gives Users in general. I mean, on the other systems, around 50 people (XBone, PC) or 130 people (PS4) have rated the game and all have user score < 5 on metacritic. Yet the Switch version has also around 50 user ratings by now and it evens out at currently 8.0. Basically, this appears to be the most satisfying FIFA version across all platforms as of right now. This even is reflected in amazon where Switch version has the highest rating across all platforms currently (4 Stars, XBone version having 3.5.). And that is even though Switch does not have all features of the main game. It's incredibly interesting to see portability mattering for this series this much.

Well all things are relative I suppose.  On consoles, a lot of people feel Fifa is getting stale and by the numbers.  But on the go, this is a radical jump for the series.  Perspectives will dictate how much that effects scores

OTBWY said:
PEEPer0nni said:

You should hate Nintendo for being completely cheap with their hardware (that's why there won't be RDR2 or MHW on the Switch). Can't wait for Doom and L.A noire to flop.

There's something wrong with you. Seriously.

Better than entitled fanboys who curse every publisher for not supporting a platform where their games fail.


Moderated - think-man

People didn't get the memo that Lego World released on beginning of March for PS4 and X1 while Switch version just launched in this month so it's normal for the share of this week be higher for Switch? And add the fact that the game ranked in the 9th position this doesn't mean much?

Yet you're spinning in a way that the Switch audience only buy kids game.

Bravo! I wouldn't expect less from these users



We reap what we sow

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PEEPer0nni said:
OTBWY said:

There's something wrong with you. Seriously.

Better than entitled fanboys who curse every publisher for not supporting a platform where their games fail.

Read the VGchartz rules.

34 years playing games.


Fifa 18 was the sixth highest selling digital download on the Nintendo e-shop in September even though it was only out for two days and right now it's sitting at #3 on the UK e shop which is higher than the basketball 2K game got to. It's took three days to get that high so ik going to assume it will eventually lead to having legs.

Teriol said:
PEEPer0nni said:

Better than entitled fanboys who curse every publisher for not supporting a platform where their games fail.

Read the VGchartz rules.

He will be reading em now for sure.

Wow, that's poor. But still this is just UK let's wait for the whole picture.

Even if it had one of the best openings for a Switch game, 8310 is a bad number no matter how you look at it.

Games like Arms had a better opening despite a smaller userbase.
Splatoon 2 had a opening of 28,268, despite a smaller userbase, too.

Really hope the game has good legs, otherwise 3rd parties might get cold feet.