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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. October bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

p0isonparadise said:
10 hours since last update.

#7 NS Neon (down 1)
#9 NS Grey (up 2)
#10 SNES Classic (down 1)
#21 NS Mario (up 6)
#47 N2DSXL Pokeball (down 6)*
#54 PS4 Slim (up 8)
#72 PS4 Pro (down 3)
#79 XBO S (re-entry)

#1 NS Super Mario Odyssey (same)
#11 PS4 Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War (down 1)
#22 PS4 Gran Turismo Sport (up 3)
#26 XBO Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War (up 7)
#31 3DS Pokemon Ultra Sun (up 3)*
#34 3DS Pokemon Ultra Moon (down 2)*
#36 PS4 South Park: The Fractured but Whole (up 1)
#39 NS Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Special Edition (down 3)*
#40 PS4 Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Gold Edition (up 2)
#43 PS4 Call of Duty: WWII (up 7)*
#49 NS Fire Emblem Warriors (down 2)
#50 XBO Call of Duty: WWII

Does not affect this month: *

I think it would be interesting if the prices would be included in these types of posts. As of this post, Neon is $348 and Gray is $299 which could explain the dip and rise, respectively.

Around the Network

Neon Switch is sold out.

Welfare said:

All new bundles are exclusive to certain retailers.

Assassin's Creed: Origins is only at Amazon, Target, and MS Store
Forza Horizon 3 Hot Wheels bundle is only at Amazon, Best Buy, and MS Store
Middle Earth: Shadow of War is only at GameStop and MS Store
Minecraft Limited bundle is only at Target and MS Store

But you have to ask yourself why. Is it because they choose to or is it because Amazon is now refusing to take as many bundles because they were overstocked last year with too many bundles that weren't selling well. Like I said, I'm not saying that's the case, but as an open minded person that is certainly a possibility. 


The PS5 Exists. 

Switch and Mario are killing it!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Wow the neon switch was out of stock a few hours ago, and now it says it's already in stock again, that was quick.

Around the Network

Has anyone suggested a PS4 price drop yet?


The PS5 Exists. 

RJ_Sizzle said:


GribbleGrunger said:
Has anyone suggested a PS4 price drop yet?

Some. It should be at $249.

WebMasterFlex said:

Some. It should be at $249.

Sony don't 'react' like that. They have a long term plan and stick to it. There WILL be a price drop for certain but only because it was already planned and once the old stock is exhausted and the new models are installed in retailers across the globe, they'll implement the price drop. This won't be anything to do with 'countering' the success of the Switch, it will simply be part of their long term plan as usual. People who often post 'price cut' in the Amazon thread and simply looking at the fact another console is selling better but Sony look at their projections. If the sales of their console are going to meet that projection they'll keep the price the same. There comes a point when sales stagnate (which is going to be soon) and it's THEN they reinvigorate the market by producing cheaper versions of their consoles. That is the phase we are about to enter. It's planned and won't be a 'reaction'.


The PS5 Exists.