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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. September bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

With Switch staying in stock more frequently, it might just take September out from under Sony’s feet. Wouldn’t that be a shock.

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I think it is good news for Nintendo and overall bad news for MS and good for Sony.

Last gen every time Nintendo tried to make any headway with Wii-u their timing generally sucked, all the time when they tried to push the product the new gen was being pushed.

I see this the position that MS is in now. They have Sony with most of the marketing deals, Pro with the price difference and games coming from everywhere this year. Switch is still selling out of stock and could easily sell a ton at Christmas.

MS has the X1X which will appeal to the core crowd and some that moved over to Sony, but it just doesn't have any exclusives to push that agenda. I suspect that the X1X may well win November because of the scorpio, but I think many people will be looking towards the switch or a cheaper PS4.

I don't think it generally matters, as even if MS take any month, for the year they'll still be significantly down on Sony and 2018 is going to be an absolute slaughter in terms of exclusives.

Looks like there always has to be one loser out of the three, this time it definitely looks like MS, and the problem is that with mid gen consoles it prolongs that loss.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

KLAMarine said:
Jranation said:
PS4 Should easily take this month.

That might be in question now...

We'll see...... But yeah Nintendo is killing it right now! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

SNES mini or Switch would take this month.

flashfire926 said:
FIT_Gamer said:
I just realized Microsoft didn't make a Forza 7 bundle. They must want the game to bomb.

Microsoft never makes a forza bundle at the launch of a forza game. It will come in the spring. Just like how the horizon 3 and forza 6 bundles came the following spring too, rather at launch (which, I think is sorta stupid tbh)

Forza 6 had the LE Ford GT Blue SKU at launch. Also Forza 6 was tracking better on Amazon leading up to launch. The standalone was at #51 and LE console was at #56.

Forza 7 hasn't charted in the monthly yet and it's currently at #78 and #96 in the hourly. 

Personally I think it'll sell less than Forza 6. 

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CGI-Quality said:
flashfire926 said:

Microsoft never makes a forza bundle at the launch of a forza game. It will come in the spring. Just like how the horizon 3 and forza 6 bundles came the following spring too, rather at launch (which, I think is sorta stupid tbh)

Incorrect. Forza 6's launched with the game.

That considered, it doesn't mean Forza 7 will bomb. I just think that, because the focus is all One X this year, they decided to put their major resources towards that.

Oh, my bad there. Also yeah, I agree, they look to be focussing on the One X. Perhaps forza 7 gets a huge boost at the launch of the X.Who knows.

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

So about Forza 7. I think its bombing because its been done too damn much. I don't understand why we don't have a PGR yet. They should alternate with PGR at least. That way, it doesn't seem like rinse wash and repeat so much.

I think Forza Horizon has become the better Forza series.

Looks like the switch is back in stock. Climbing rapidly.

poklane said:
bluedawgs said:
Every year around this time the xbox fans think the tide is turning lol, never ceases to amuse me.

Enough about that though, is amazon low on PS4 stock? i don't seem to understand why its been so low in the chart recently if its not

Yup, Amazon is having some big stock issues. Prices for the Uncharted 4 bundle are around $300 if you want it immediately, but then it's just Amazon fulfilling another company's order, if you want it directly from Amazon you'll have to wait until October 7th. The normal slim simply isn't popular because it's $294 without a game, and the Pro never has really been a big hit on the rankings.

It's also out of immediate stock most of the time, with the order arriving days or even weeks later than when you order it. It has done pretty well when people are able to order it for immediate shipment.