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I think it is good news for Nintendo and overall bad news for MS and good for Sony.

Last gen every time Nintendo tried to make any headway with Wii-u their timing generally sucked, all the time when they tried to push the product the new gen was being pushed.

I see this the position that MS is in now. They have Sony with most of the marketing deals, Pro with the price difference and games coming from everywhere this year. Switch is still selling out of stock and could easily sell a ton at Christmas.

MS has the X1X which will appeal to the core crowd and some that moved over to Sony, but it just doesn't have any exclusives to push that agenda. I suspect that the X1X may well win November because of the scorpio, but I think many people will be looking towards the switch or a cheaper PS4.

I don't think it generally matters, as even if MS take any month, for the year they'll still be significantly down on Sony and 2018 is going to be an absolute slaughter in terms of exclusives.

Looks like there always has to be one loser out of the three, this time it definitely looks like MS, and the problem is that with mid gen consoles it prolongs that loss.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!