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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The "I hate X game, and want it to fail." thread.

I want all of the current consoles to fail. Does that count?

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Undertale. I really hate Undertale. I hate seeing Undertale as the highest rated game on PS4 in 2017. I don't know if I want it to fail, but I want it to disappear.

Whatever the new Naruto game is, I'd absolutely love to see that crash and burn. Not because I dislike the game or the developer or anything, but because of how much I loathe the source material and the IP in general.

Past that, any game released in a broken state or unfinished state is something I'd like to see flop, just to send a message to the developers that this release mentality is not okay. If your game isn't ready, don't freaking sell it.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Cerebralbore101 said:

Are there any games, coming out this year, that you are just sick of seeing and hearing about? You know, the usual batch of undeserved sequels, and overhyped nonsense. The type of games that the local GameStop employee will try to get you to pre-order. The games that have an ad on every website. The games that will be forgotten by this time next year, and will have left a million salty customers in their wake. 

Well good news! This thread is to complain about those games! No game is off limits. Tell us why you think your game doesn't deserve to see the light of day. 

I'll start. 

Star Wars Battlefront II: A sequel to an unfinished mess of a game. Do they really expect people to buy this after being burned just a few years ago? 

CoD WWII: Call of Duty hasn't been good in six or seven years. Most of the talent, behind CoD moved on to Titanfall years ago. 

Destiny 2: Bungie is under contract to finish this game at a set release date or else they lose half the profits to Activision. The game doesn't have dedicated servers. There's already DLC planned. Destiny 1 was an unbalanced mess. IMO Bungie should go back to making games where you can't choose between a thousand different armor options and loadouts. 

Battlefront one is complete though. Even if you don't have the DLC there are still lots of maps and modes to last you for a while. Battlefront 2 looks to build on that with a better multiplayer experience and a full fledged single player.

Call of Duty has been pretty good in the last 6-7 years.all the last 7 CoD have had great single player stories except Black Ops 3, and good multiplayer except for Infinite Warfare and maybe Ghosts. I've been playing the WW2 beta and the multiplayer is pretty solid. The new war mode is a great addition to the game and it makes the multiplayer feel more new in a way. Nazi zombies I'd looking really promising and so is the campaign.

I agree that there should be dedicated servers and that Destiny 1 was unbalanced but that doesn't mean it should fail. Destiny 2 is making a lot of steps into the right direction. The multiplayer from the beta I played was felt really balanced. No guns or a certain load out felt OP, and the exotics didn't feel crazy powerful either which is good for PvP. They are promising to have DLC a lot more consistent than Destiny 1. There are lots of people that hate DLC but for many Destiny fans Destiny is a type of game that heavily dependent on new content so its good that they are promising lots of new content. There's also a real single player campaign so that's good too.

Mar1217 said:

Secretly (which ain't a secret anymore), I want MH World to fail.

Then, on the obvious side of things, there's the usual annual franchises such as FIFA,Madden,NBA2KLive,NHL and Call of Duty.

Destiny 1.9 and Star Wars Battlefront 1.5 deserves to be axed too.

Edit : And what the guy before me said, mobile games should die.

But why? its a push forwards in so many ways, building and improveing on monster hunter, that has been kept behinde by 3DS specs for so long.

Suddenly A.I is better, there's all sorts of new gameplay mechanics, graphics are a million times better, ect.

I hope Monster Hunter World does monster sales.

Developers that actually put effort into doing better, should be rewarded.

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Mine is/was...

I secretely hoped "starfox zero" would flop..... because of stupid design choices (dual cockpit) which resulted in graphics being so gimped it looked a gen behinde.

Same can be said for all the "Paper Mario" games, that arnt RPGs anymore.
I want them to flop, so they can go back and make a new TTYD type of paper mario.

The only game I remember wanting to fail over the last few years was Hatred. I just hate when an otherwise shitty game banks off of horrific visuals, violence, and shock value in general. Generally, more work goes into animating brutal deaths and promoting the game by intentionally shocking the mainstream media than actually goes into the gameplay itself.