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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Activision: Destiny 2 DLC could be as important as the Base game

Nautilus said:
o_O.Q said:


did you play destiny and its expansions?

a common theme i've noticed with destiny haters, is that for the most part they never played the game, they simply parrot what they hear other people saying

I did.And the only thing I liked about the game is the gunplay, which is amazing.The rest is subpar or boring.Thats my opinion of course.I just personaly dont think the DLC is nowhere near worth 120 dollars and every expansion was way overpriced for what it offered.


lol so if the base game was boring and presumably not worth the price of admission why would you expect that you would have a different opinion of dlc?

if you disliked the base game why did you buy the expansions anyway?

i do apologise for leveling the accusation at you that you haven't played the game

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o_O.Q said:
Nautilus said:

I did.And the only thing I liked about the game is the gunplay, which is amazing.The rest is subpar or boring.Thats my opinion of course.I just personaly dont think the DLC is nowhere near worth 120 dollars and every expansion was way overpriced for what it offered.


lol so if the base game was boring and presumably not worth the price of admission why would you expect that you would have a different opinion of dlc?

if you disliked the base game why did you buy the expansions anyway?

i do apologise for leveling the accusation at you that you haven't played the game

Because it wasnt me that bought the game, it was my brother.So, since the game was already there, I gave it a shot.And my brother bought the Taken King edition, so it already came with most of the DLCs with it.

I know how it is to be passionate about a game.I trully do.Some users get under my skin when they bash Nomura, for example, because of Square shitty decisions for announcing games way too early.But you need to keep an open mind about things.And my problem isnt really about the game itself, since I find it to be an ok to good game.Its with the pricing and the cost of each DLC.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:
o_O.Q said:


lol so if the base game was boring and presumably not worth the price of admission why would you expect that you would have a different opinion of dlc?

if you disliked the base game why did you buy the expansions anyway?

i do apologise for leveling the accusation at you that you haven't played the game

Because it wasnt me that bought the game, it was my brother.So, since the game was already there, I gave it a shot.And my brother bought the Taken King edition, so it already came with most of the DLCs with it.

I know how it is to be passionate about a game.I trully do.Some users get under my skin when they bash Nomura, for example, because of Square shitty decisions for announcing games way too early.But you need to keep an open mind about things.And my problem isnt really about the game itself, since I find it to be an ok to good game.Its with the pricing and the cost of each DLC.


you aren't really being consistent here - you said in your previous post that you found it subpar and boring except for the gunplay 

what annoys me is not people bashing the game - its people stating as a fact that all dlc is cut content before a game is even out and without any evidence that its the case

the other thing is people who have clearly not played a game simply parroting what they've heard others say about that game


i bought into a lot of the negativity that plagued destiny in the beginning and i was going to skip the game completely, but then i decided to give it a try and i realised quite quickly that a lot of the negativity was unfounded, at least from my perspective

after paying more attention, i realised that a lot of the people bashing destiny have not actually played it

so the game isn't complete?


Bandorr said:
All these people complaining about this game remind me of the people that constantly complain about COD.

Yet COD still sells so very well. I suspect this one will too.

We'll see just how well it does and then compare to othe franchises that are doing well and haven't gimepd their suer abses in any way.

You could have just summed it up in a more insulting tone though, I mean that's where this eventually leads to "those that whine are no better than..."

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"