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Forums - General Discussion - Game Of Thrones Season 7 FINAL episode POLL up



10 83 35.78%
9 61 26.29%
8 38 16.38%
7 23 9.91%
6 10 4.31%
5 4 1.72%
4 1 0.43%
3 1 0.43%
2 1 0.43%
1 10 4.31%

And if you include Varys on the poll list and Tyrion, you might as well include Jamie.


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I am excited can't wait

Gaaaaaaahh!!! So much hype!!

Long May She Reign! Long May She Reign! Long live Cersei of the House Lannister First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms!

I really hope Cersei doesn't marry Euron. That honestly goes against everything the character of Cersei stands for and what it has become. I would really hate that.

The trailer footage definitely has me very interested. Eager to see how things unfold and the context for some of the clips shown.

Around the Network
morenoingrato said:
I really hope Cersei doesn't marry Euron. That honestly goes against everything the character of Cersei stands for and what it has become. I would really hate that.

No I wouldn't want that either but I can't see it happening, itsblike you say, completely against her ways. I think she will act alone now.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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I just can't wait!!! And no one will sit on the Iron Throne in the end. There will be no realm to rule upon.

Can't wait for the Sand Snakes to be pounded by Euron and dragged through the streets of King's Landing.

why cant the Winds of Winter be out yet

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
In the past 2 weeks i been watching crazy theories and predictions non stop, i am so Hyped !!!

Yeah I watched an Hour long program called Thronecast: War Room. It was basically 4 presenters all talking deeply about game of thrones and all the variations of what could happen and what they'd like to happen. It was an awesome watch and just added to the hype, they believed Cersei would beat Daenarys army as she's survived everything so far and is just too clever, no matter what's thrown at her she's always been a step ahead.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

At this point, I don't care much anymore. The HBO series fell into bad fan fiction last year so have zero expectations.

My guess is the writing will be poor, the effects will be amazing, and I'll be bored. It's really strange to see something I cherish be embraced by so many while I've grown disillusioned by the writers adaptation.

Season 1 - 10/10 (Perfection)
Season 2 - 9/10 (Excellent)
Season 3 - 9/10
Season 4 - 8/10 (Still great despite issues)
Season 5 - 6/10 (Concerns really begin)
Season 6 - 2/10 (Hot garbage)

If you enjoy it, I'm happy for you. I'll still watch, just out of sense of curiosity because likely another year without Winds of Winter.