I read in Resetera that Persona 3 and 4 are not getting physical releases on any platform
I read in Resetera that Persona 3 and 4 are not getting physical releases on any platform
Runa216 said:
"Every Time" It happened once with the WiiU. Before that it was a steady, gradual decline. What are you even talking about? NES - 61.91 Million SNES - 49.10 Million N64 - 32.93 Million GCN - 21.74 Million WiiU - 13.56 Million That was a pretty steady decline, which was probably more to do with market trends and better competition than anything directly on Nintendo's part. Nintendo had virtually no competition, SNES had Genesis which sold 34.06 Million. N64 had Playstation, which sold 102.49 Million, and Gamecube had PS2 which sold a record 158.70 and Xbox which sold 24.65 Million on its own. Y'all can theorize all you want about shit but like, the Wii was the outlier here, not the WiiU. The Switch is in a similar position to the Wii, but it has more in common with their handhelds than anything else at this point, which is all over the place in terms of sales. 118.69 million, 81.51 million, 154.02 million, 75.94 million, then Switch at 109.25 and counting. (I am so ready for it to burst past the GB to become the 3rd best selling platform according to VGC). Point is, you're attributing patterns inaccurately. Home consoles have been on a steady decline with the Wii being the outlier and handhelds have been bouncing up and down with each generation, currently ending with a pretty damn high point. **Edit** Oh, and WiiU had both the PS4 (which is at 116.93 million currently) and the Xbox One (which is at 50.53 Million, currently). so, like, yeah, a lot of it has to do with the success of the competition and Nintendo's steadfast nature. Again, Wii was the exception and the outlier, not the WiiU. Because Wii not only was their best console to that point, but also competed against the most competitive generation yet (Though I genuinely think a Switch/PS5/XSX generation will be even more competitive and higher overall.) |
Wii U was also quickly dropped. I'm sure it could pull Game Cube+ numbers if Nintendo keep investing on them, but they (wisely so) decided to screw all that and focus on Switch
RolStoppable said: Finished my first playthrough of Three Hopes on the Black Eagles route. Took me almost 42 hours with almost all battles finished with an S rank; ultimately, I didn't go for all S ranks because I noticed that I somehow forgot to clear one area in chapter 13 or 14, so I couldn't play that particular battle at all anymore and then stopped caring to get it done before starting over on a different path. New game plus is what I had hoped for: Virtually everything gets carried over. The sole exception is the key item that you can give a character of your choice, provided you have an A support with them. But this once-per-playthrough item is meant to be used anyway. All other items, gold and weapons carry over. You automatically keep all EXP for class and skill mastery. You can choose to carry over support progress. Character levels could be reset/changed on the initial playthrough already, so new game plus influences nothing here. The two missing options in the menu where you spend your renown in the base camp are thankfully not anything like what they were in Three Houses. If you remember, you needed tons of renown to reestablish progress from a previous playthrough. But in Three Hopes, it's just a small selection of unique weapons and accessories, and at a low cost to boot. There's one more thing, but I am not going to spoil it; all I'll say is that if you didn't spend any of your renown on stat boosters on your first playthrough, you should have enough renown to get that stuff too. It's also nice that all of your characters keep their equipment (class, skills etc.) exactly as it was when you start a new game plus, and you can access all these characters in the inventory screen even when they are locked out for story reasons, so you can still switch equipment without any restrictions. The only stupid thing in all of this is the once-per-playthrough item, because there are so many characters in this game. Only relevant for the daunting task of 100% completion, but still, it bugs me. Now if only this item could be bought with renown as many times as you want after you've cleared all paths of the game, that would be something. ... My verdict for Three Hopes is that it's the best Nintendo Warriors game so far. It has a coherent story and retains all the good things of Three Houses that could be retained in a Warriors game. All characters being able to access almost all classes means that every character can be cool to play as. The ecosystem within the game is thought through as everything you collect can be used for something, either through selling or trading. The gameplay is fun, especially because the characters you give orders to are actually able to fulfill their objectives in a timely manner, unlike in previous Nintendo Warriors games where it could take them minutes. I am still not a fan of the whole camp idea in a Fire Emblem game, because all of it could be done faster via plain menus. However, Three Hopes wastes a lot less time than Three Houses. Not only because you can grind support and class EXP in the camp, but also because each chapter has a multitude of actual story battles instead of just a single one. Last, but not least: Koei-Tecmo has finally been able to reduce the loading times a lot. This makes going back and forth between the camp and battles a breeze, because it happens only occasionally that an actual loading screen pops up, and when it does, it's much quicker than what it used to be in the other Nintendo Warriors games. |
I agree with most of this. I actually liked the Garreg Mach sections of Three Houses because it let you get to know the characters even when you weren't using them in battles. But, it did take a long time and sometimes I really just wanted to get to the actual gameplay. Being able to flip back and forth helps even though I would have liked the camp segments to have more features. But, I do like how the facilities, equipment, and upgrading characters all tie together. It's way more intuitive than the character upgrade systems in FE Warriors and Hyrule Warriors. Plus, there are more ways to develop bonds between characters aside from the main characters, so Manuela doesn't have to die alone now.
Coherent is the right word for the story. Everything makes sense, but it just doesn't have the same impact as three houses. Particularly in the conflicts. In three houses there were deeply personal issues driving the action in addition to the general military conflict. Here, that's not really present. For instance, so far no mention has been made of Dimitri's connection to Edelgard. The story still works without it, but is just not as interesting and it doesn't feel as climactic when they battle.
CaptainExplosion said: Well this sucks. He wasn't even very old. -_- RIP, Billy Kametz. |
This is very sad, yes. Rest in peace.
RolStoppable said:
Dimitri's connection to Edelgard doesn't come up in the Black Eagles path, but it has already been hinted at early on in the Blue Lions path. I don't have an issue with the story complaints you've made so far; I think your problem is that you are looking at Three Hopes as a standalone game and as such tend to blend out the knowledge of Fodlan and its characters from Three Houses. While there are obviously plot differences between Three Houses and Three Hopes, the characters are portrayed almost identically between both games, so I don't pretend that I don't really know them yet. That's why it's impactful all the same when certain opposing characters choose to die on the battlefield and won't allow themselves to be recruited. One such instance in the Black Eagles path: Spoiler! There's a battle involving Jeralt's mercenaries where the game makes note before the battle that a crucial decision can be made here. I ended up killing Jeralt which significantly changes a later battle where you could potentially recruit Leonie. It starts out by her fighting on your side due to a common goal, but then she ends up getting poisoned; you can activate the strategy to recruit her by offering her help via your own healers, but she decides to refuse because your army is Jeralt's murderer. Her stubbornness seals her death by poison and it's tragic. There is a bunch of characters who cannot be recruited no matter what due to their ideals, but Leonie is actually a recruitable character on Edelgard's route. |
It's not just that I'm consciously disregarding the stuff I know from Three Houses, it's that in this telling, a lot of the relationships are just different because of things that did or did not happen.
In this case, the struggle is just two political entities vying for control. And it's fine, it's coherent, it just doesn't have nearly the punch it did in three houses.
gtotheunit91 said: |
Sorry but they actually come with a good point or would watching this video be a waste of time?
Kakadu18 said:
Sorry but they actually come with a good point or would watching this video be a waste of time? |
They make a good point. It isn't based on "leaks" or rumors or anything like that, but something that Nintendo has actually done. I'll spill it below if you don't feel like watching the video.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
gtotheunit91 said:
They make a good point. It isn't based on "leaks" or rumors or anything like that, but something that Nintendo has actually done. I'll spill it below if you don't feel like watching the video. Spoiler! For an unknown reason, Nintendo has privated the OLED Switch trailer on YouTube in NA and Japan. The last time Nintendo did this was right before the OLED Switch was announced when Nintendo privated the Switch Lite trailer. It's a trend Nintendo seems to be following prior to a new hardware announcement. |
Interesting. I doubt they'll release a new model just a year after the OLED. Economically it would be difficult to say the least and it's not like they have issues of selling out. But whatever.
Kakadu18 said:
Interesting. I doubt they'll release a new model just a year after the OLED. Economically it would be difficult to say the least and it's not like they have issues of selling out. But whatever. |
For sure. I personally don't see it happening this year, but, with the still unknown release date of Breath of the Wild 2, it makes me wonder if Nintendo is interested in launching a "Pro" model of the Switch with the launch of the game. It is still weird the actions Nintendo has taken with what's mentioned in the video.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind