RolStoppable said:
The Pikmin 4 issue is something that Nintendo would discuss internally with Miyamoto. If you expect Nintendo to call out Miyamoto publicly for pretending that a game that isn't even in development is close to being finished, then you have an unrealistic view of how the world works. Besides, the absence of Pikmin 4 on Nintendo's regularly published list of upcoming releases should count as denial of the game's existence. |
So if I steal your switch and slap you with it you'll just go "oh well that's how the world works!" Yes the world can be shitty, that doesn't excuse shitty behavior.
Now that there is actual tangible evidence, lead with that man! I can't say Nintendo as a whole is lying then, but it's still wrong of them to let Miyamoto lead people on, that we have to figure out for ourselves if he lying rather than just coming out and saying Pikmin 4 is just a wet dream.