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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
End of an era. Pretty much everyone with huge prominence that made the Wii U era so interesting is gone from upper management. Even Shigeru isn't as much in upper management as he used to be. Will be interesting to see where this takes Nintendo (though I doubt much will change, since this current course is so successful).

With the way they have been talking, the old guard has been grooming these up and comers for quite some time now so things should remain on course.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
End of an era. Pretty much everyone with huge prominence that made the Wii U era so interesting is gone from upper management. Even Shigeru isn't as much in upper management as he used to be. Will be interesting to see where this takes Nintendo (though I doubt much will change, since this current course is so successful).

With the way they have been talking, the old guard has been grooming these up and comers for quite some time now so things should remain on course.

From what I hear, it was the newcomers that made BotW and Odyssey. With oversight of course, but it was mostly them. And of course Splatoon was all them. The future of Nintendo is in good hands.

RaptorChrist said:

Do you only game on Nintendo consoles? Just curious how you haven't played much Final Fantasy, and your reaction to DQXI despite it already being out on PS4. If the Switch version is legit, which I'm sure it will be, I'll be picking that up as well. It's a shame we never got the 3DS version of DQXI here in the states, as it was the best selling version in Japan if I recall correctly, so I was a little disappointed that we only got to play it on PS4. It looks like the Switch version has features from both versions of the game, which sounds interesting to me.

Outside of playing on my buddies Xbox and having a Playstation 2 for half a year (primarily for Guitar Hero) I game exclusively on Nintendo systems. 

I would've like the 3DS version to have come over as well, heard that version is different so it would've been nice, but I understand the decision.

Until a Wario comes along.

Question about Smash Bros Online:

Do you think it's 'unsportsmanlike' to disconnect after you lost all your lives? (I don't usually play stock so I have no self-preservation instincts and am almost always the first to die.) Now, on its own yes, that's pretty shitty to do. I mean, it is STUPID that you have to stick around and watch the others fight if you're done in a four-player match, but my story isn't finished yet.

I've had this happen to me a few times now, and I 'disconnect' from the server every time because &*(% these players.

So I will be playing a 4-player fight, stock battle with a timer on it that is like 7+ minutes. I play, I die because I'm a fool and didn't realize it was stock, which is fine. That's on me. but the entire fight, ALL THREE of the other players were just running away from one another, hardly fighting. I think it was yoshi, King Dedede, and Little Mac. They avoid fighting as best they can, so I spend the whole match chasing them down and getting hits in. This is on Little Mac's stage, by the way.

So that's pretty shitty of them at first, but then once I die and stop chasing them around, all three of them STOP FIGHTING! Little Mac runs to the left and just stands there. Yoshi jumps on the ropes in the ring, and King Dedede stands over on the other side of the ring doing nothing.

For three minutes.

They hardly even engage one another. They walk menacingly towards one another but don't attack.

I record about a minute of it (Can't seem to find the video on my phone, though), and eventually disconnect, thus making them all forefeit the match. I got suspended for 1 hour for that.

So, just disconnecting because I'm a sore loser? Pretty shitty thing to do. but this? This is annoying and I hate playing people like that. I meet FAR too many people who just play 'run away' the entire match. why even fight if you're a coward?

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I predict a Mario Odyssey mode for Mario Maker 2, or at least some kind of Cappy compatibility 

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I predict a Mario Odyssey mode for Mario Maker 2, or at least some kind of Cappy compatibility 

The problem with that is that Mario Odyssey doesnt really have a clear artstyle, it mashed up different art styles together. The metro kingdom, per se, is drastically different from the sand kingdom. Which one do you use?

Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.

flashfire926 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I predict a Mario Odyssey mode for Mario Maker 2, or at least some kind of Cappy compatibility 

The problem with that is that Mario Odyssey doesnt really have a clear artstyle, it mashed up different art styles together. The metro kingdom, per se, is drastically different from the sand kingdom. Which one do you use?

I don't think that's much of a problem. You literally just use the same assets that are in the game. They're only a "different artstyle" from a figurative sense, not a literal one. All the kingdoms are still made in a similar sense, they just look different based on what theme is prioritized for each kingdom. It's not like going from Kirby's Epic Yarn to Yoshi's Island, or from A Link Between Worlds to Breath of the Wild. This ain't Evoland. 

Super Mario 3D World's assets for example actually look pretty close to NSMB's assets when placed in a 2D view (where you can't take advantage of camera angels and the lighting in a 3D scape). But you still see that style in the game (unless I'm wrong and the 3D style isn't actually in the game, with the cat power up being a separate thing, but I doubt it and either way you get my point).

If I had to guess, they'll probably limit it to only one or two kingdoms though. Metro is obviously going to be in the game. 

AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Super Mario 3D World's assets for example actually look pretty close to NSMB's assets when placed in a 2D view (where you can't take advantage of camera angels and the lighting in a 3D scape). But you still see that style in the game (unless I'm wrong and the 3D style isn't actually in the game, with the cat power up being a separate thing, but I doubt it and either way you get my point).

Oh yeah, the 3D World style is absolutely in the game.

Go to 56 seconds: You can see the 3D World logo in the top left corner. Also, the gameplay does have some pretty significant differences from the NSMB style. The camera in NSMB is completely orthographic, but 3D World uses a perspective camera. Pause at 1:00 and look at stuff near the edges of the screen. You can see the undersides, tops, and sides of blocks, which isn't something that ever happens in a 2D Mario style.