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By tonight I hope he means ~midnight and not 3am

Last edited by Raven - on 10 June 2018

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RavenXtra said:

By tonight I hope he means ~midnight and not 3am

Anyone know if data transfer over. I played this on the phone for some time, and did spend a little money here or there, so would like to be able to use that if I wanted to. 

I do hate picking up games where I haven't played in months though, so probably woudl start over, but be nice to pick up from where I was if I wanted to. 

Were platforms announced for Rage 2, Fallout 76, etc.? I thought Bethesda was a top supporter of Switch, but if all they're giving it is a mobile game then perhaps not.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
Were platforms announced for Rage 2, Fallout 76, etc.? I thought Bethesda was a top supporter of Switch, but if all they're giving it is a mobile game then perhaps not.

I am willing to give it a little time, I wouldn't be shocked to see Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein Young Blood get ported.  Fallout 76 and TES VI and Rage 2 I doubt.  

Lonely_Dolphin said:
Were platforms announced for Rage 2, Fallout 76, etc.? I thought Bethesda was a top supporter of Switch, but if all they're giving it is a mobile game then perhaps not.

Yeah, they were given platforms.And no, none of these two are on the Switch.Personally I think its understandable.What I find a missen oportunity is not porting Prey over to the Switch.But oh well.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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And nothing new confirmed from Square Enix either...

Ay, Yooka Laylee is getting a physical release on Switch

curl-6 said:

Ay, Yooka Laylee is getting a physical release on Switch

Actually been waiting for this!  Took a while but the port is quality and I hear the game has been polished up significantly since the PS4/Xbone launch.

Here's the YouTube video for Nintendo's E3 Direct in case people missed it, not that there was much to miss.