mZuzek said:
Just wanna update you guys on some cool stuff.
So, I guess everyone remembers I won a Switch giveaway? Yeah, it's... still not here, actually. It'll take another 2 weeks to get home. However, since I was saving up to get one, I suddenly found myself in loads of spare money, and well, obviously I had to put it towards the next priority I had after getting a Switch, which was...

My first very own TV (the right one)!! Left one is my PC monitor, which is decent, but definitely not good enough for gaming as it has 1. no sound, 2. no HDMI input (I bought an adapter for that, though), and 3. is way too small for any distance farther than my chair.
The new TV (well not quite new, I bought it used, but it's in pretty good condition and was cheap too) though, is pretty cool. It's 32'' 1080p, which is the main reason I bought it used - for some reason I can't find brand new 32'' TVs that aren't 768p -, has good image quality (and very much lagless for gaming), loads of inputs (4 HDMIs, 2 components, 2 AVs, 1 VGA), and decent sound. The 32'' size is what gets me, though - it's small enough for me to be able to see it well up close and carry it easily around whenever needed, but also large enough that I can just lay down in bed to play a game or watch a movie without problem. I'm pretty happy with it, as you can tell.
Then, also in preparation for the Switch, I made myself some stickers, which I got today. I need them because since I've many friends who own Switches, and we organize events and tourneys together and stuff, I need to have some way of keeping track of what's mine and what isn't. I mean, if I take my Switch somewhere and people start "sharing the fun" with those Joy-Cons around, it's gonna be all sorts of trouble.
Anyways, because the stickers needed to be printed on a A4 sheet, I ended up getting far more than I needed, so I put them on some other stuff already. I think you'll like these, @Mar1217 .

I think it's safe to say, I'm ready. Can't wait to get started on Odyssey and Splatoon 2 in a fortnight!