VGPolyglot said: Less than a week until Christmas!! Are you guys planning on getting anything Nintendo-related for it? I asked for Super Mario Odyssey for Christmas myself  |
Nope. I asked for a ESHOP gift card I think, but even if I get that I don't see me buying any games. I have a backlog currently.
1. Super Mario Odyssey: I have yet to beat, let alone work on getting 999 moons.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Also have yet to beat. I believe I heard only 10 chapters. I say only, yet I have 100 hours and am in Ch 6 I believe
3. Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: Going to purchase the DLC and replay on Master mode as well as get to do the Trial of the Sword and the Champions ballad.
I think I have like $30.00 of Eshop currency sitting on my account right now, but any eshop cards I get will just go into purchasing Zelda dlc and probably Xenoblade DLC. But those 3 games will keep me busy enough for the forseable future. Plus I just found a really cool mod for Star Wars Empire at War, so been playing that recently.
Edit: though if I get enough eshop money I may finally get around to some games I really want. Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, Golf Story, Sonic Mania, Maria & Rabbids, and Shantae Half Genie Hero.