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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
shikamaru317 said:

I agree with you more than I agree with most. Well that's something!

I do think Infamous Second Son is the second coming of the gaming overlords, and Uncharted I favour a lot less than you do, but else I can agree on all! I haven't played Lost Legacy though.

Have you played Bloodborne? If not you're missing the best PS4 exclusive. 

No, I have not. I'm scared off by the high level of difficulty. My first Souls-like will probably be the upcoming Code Vein (which seems to be a bit easier than other Souls-likes thanks to the companion system). Depending on how that goes, I may try Bloodborne and Nioh as well. 

When you get into the flow of these games they are not difficult. Its just a very logical and strategic fighting system, and only punishes if you make a mistake or fail to read environmental cues. There are much harder games out there.

If you only own a PS4, start with Dark Souls 2. If you have PC or Xbox 360, start with Dark Souls. In case you have PS3, start with Demon's Souls. Either way, you're missing out on the best RPG's ever made, all five of them are in my top five RPG's and Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne compete for my favourite games ever made.

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shikamaru317 said:

Hey I remember you long time ago saying you hasd really few games on PS4. Have you played more exclusives since?

If you have PS Plus, I think you should definitely download Infamous Second Son, its fantastic.

First party wise I have played Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Order: 1886, Infamous: Second Son, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy so far. I have Infamous: First Light and Until Dawn as well, but haven't played them yet.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Max Payne 2, Midnight Club 3 Rated For PS4

Guys I need your help! I haven't played FF7 in years and never finished it. I'm trying to figure out what that one song that plays in the first few hours of the game is. It plays like all the time when you're wondering around the polluted city.

It has that hard ass bass and it's like "Buhh buhh buh buhh buddaaa -cha buh, buddhababaab, bubububububbudhabbu, -dewdunhdewdunn"

Am I crazy?

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Guys I need your help! I haven't played FF7 in years and never finished it. I'm trying to figure out what that one song that plays in the first few hours of the game is. It plays like all the time when you're wondering around the polluted city.

It has that hard ass bass and it's like "Buhh buhh buh buhh buddaaa -cha buh, buddhababaab, bubububububbudhabbu, -dewdunhdewdunn"

Am I crazy?

Underneath the Rotting Pizza?

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VGPolyglot said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Guys I need your help! I haven't played FF7 in years and never finished it. I'm trying to figure out what that one song that plays in the first few hours of the game is. It plays like all the time when you're wondering around the polluted city.

It has that hard ass bass and it's like "Buhh buhh buh buhh buddaaa -cha buh, buddhababaab, bubububububbudhabbu, -dewdunhdewdunn"

Am I crazy?

Underneath the Rotting Pizza?

THANK YOU! I even checked the official soundtrack and it somehow missed me! Thank you so much, now I am happy

AngryLittleAlchemist said:
VGPolyglot said:

Underneath the Rotting Pizza?

THANK YOU! I even checked the official soundtrack and it somehow missed me! Thank you so much, now I am happy

No problem!!

Speaking of which, I really need to finish Final Fantasy 7!!! It was so good from what I played. I got to the Chocobo carnival, don't know how far that is.


Edit: OH SHIT! Disregard my sig when i'm in this thread btw, it's jus a funny thing KGB said lol

Some nice Yakuza: Kiwami 2 trailers were released yesterday!! The game looks awesome, my brother is probably also pretty excited as 2 was his favourite of the ones he played.

shikamaru317 said:
bananaking21 said:

Lol. Honestly though, at this point I have played most of the first party Sony games that interest me. I still want to play Gravity Rush 1 and 2 at some point, but that's about it. 2nd party wise I'm interested in Detroit and Spiderman. And of course there are plenty of 3rd party Japanese exclusives that interest me that I still want to play at some point, if I can find the time, though since they are mainly JRPG's which take a huge time investment, I don't know how many of them I will get around to playing. 

lol, my list isnt that much bigger. but their First Party is pumping up their efforts and i am looking forward to GoW, Days Gone, Detroit, TLoU2 and Death Stranding. 

you should play bloodborne, i read you are scared by the high difficulty factor, but so was i, though its a lot more managable than you would think. the first hour you will probably feel like you achieved nothing, that happened with me, but then you start to get the grips of things and it gets more managable. leveling up makes helps a lot in your first play through as well (when you play new game+ its start to have diminishing returns) so if you feel an area is too difficult you can just grind a bit and level up.

the difficulty in bloodborne isnt that its unfair. its about properly managing what you have and making the right decisions. to attack, wait, dodge or use throwable like moltove or what ever. its also about being smart to avoid traps. its about managing your play style to your oppont and understanding when to attack and when to retreat. there is a huge risk vs reward factor, and if you mess up, you get punished for it. you need to try understand the world and its hazards as well. to find secret passages that makes you life easier and to know how to get around easily and avoiding enemies when possible. another thing is managing your inventory and health, you have limited health viles you can carry and you need to make the right decisions on when to use them. honestly, its a game that requires on an invesment on your part, but its truly a fantastic game that is incredibily fun with fantastic gameplay, atmoshpere and lore, and fucking hell... its music is amazing. i never played a souls game before, but bloodborne just ticked the right boxes for me, and i bought it on sale. dont regret it one bit, i recommend you do the same. its usually on sale on PS+ anyways, ohh and get the full edition with the DLC, the DLC is awesome as well.