Ka-pi96 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
I got to the part where you're supposed to fight all of the friendly combatants and just got so bored I had to stop playing. Didn't know Knack would be so boring, never played the 1st. No wonder they released it for free!
Are you playing it on easy or something? Maybe that's why you're bored?
I had a load of fun playing through it on hard. Game gets better as you go too. Try and collect all the Emerald relics ASAP. Green Knack FTW! 
I don't know, pretty sure I was playing on normal?
Can't ... tell ... if ... ironic ...
Bristow9091 said:
Underlined: Maybe that will change... in the words of the Dark Brotherhood; We know.
Bold: Not really sure how to take that, feels rather insulting to be honest, but yes too much of one thing will eventually burn you out.
I'm not insulting! I'm asking how you can be burned out on something as great as Knack?!?!??!?!?!