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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
VGPolyglot said:
poklane said:


This group of hackers has previously only hacked social media accounts and a few websites, we have no idea if they could actually hack the PlayStation Network Database.

LMFAO, I don't know if they actually hacked the database, but man, if they did...

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if they did

Around the Network

4 the players

gooch_destroyer said:
4 the players

Always short and sweet you are

poklane said:
VGPolyglot said:

LMFAO, I don't know if they actually hacked the database, but man, if they did...

It honestly wouldn't surprise me at all if they did

I would be - last time there was a hack, the hackers got nothing of value. The best they could do was bring online gaming down for a few weeks.

Around the Network
poklane said:

"PS4 ProPro"

"PS VitaSwitch"

...the big red cover suggests an accessory at least really...

Xen said:
poklane said:

"PS4 ProPro"

"PS VitaSwitch"

...the big red cover suggests an accessory at least really...

Probably just a new limited edition console. The Spanish PlayStation account also tweeted that video together with a car emote, Gran Turismo Sport Limited Edition bundle?

poklane said:
Xen said:

"PS4 ProPro"

"PS VitaSwitch"

...the big red cover suggests an accessory at least really...

Probably just a new limited edition console. The Spanish PlayStation account also tweeted that video together with a car emote, Gran Turismo Sport Limited Edition bundle?

Haha, now I wish I hadn't replied. How boring would that be? least for me.

Fuck yeah!! I was very interested in the original White Day PC game released in the early 2000s, which was a cult hit, and I so I was very happy with the news of a remake. However, there's now going to be a sequel too!! White Day 2: Swan Song was announced for the PS4, and will be released in English-speaking regions!! There's not too much info, other than that VR will be optional for those who want that. Here's a pic:

twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:

Fuck yeah!! I was very interested in the original White Day PC game released in the early 2000s, which was a cult hit, and I so I was very happy with the news of a remake. However, there's now going to be a sequel too!! White Day 2: Swan Song was announced for the PS4, and will be released in English-speaking regions!! There's not too much info, other than that VR will be optional for those who want that. Here's a pic:

man this game was announced for PSVR over a year ago. im surprused its taken this long. at least its coming.

Yeah, but it was originally under a different title. It is now confirmed to be a numbered sequel to the original.