Injustice 2 : 9.5/10
Important : excuse my english.
No I'm not a fan of fighting games

First of all, I'm not a big fan of comic books, I more into manga. Second I usually found fighting games boring because I play majority of the time alone. The only fighting game I loved was Dissidia and MKX and you will know why after. Good thing, Injustice 2 is done by the same developpers who did MKX !
A figthing game needs TWO things to be attractive for me :
- Gorgeous graphic (why not ?).
- Having a lot things to do when you play solo.

Injustice 2 is a 10/10 at this two requests. This the most beautiful game I have ever seen... and it's not even on PC. As for playing solo... well you have the story mode, and this one is good (unlike MKX). I won't spoïl anything but let's just say that Batman is the good guy and Superman is the bad guy (yes he is, because of The Joker did in the previous game). So it's surprising to see that. But that's just the beginning of the game.
What comes after ?

Once you finished the story mode, you got the most interesting mode. The Multiverse. What is it ? It is the mode that gave longevity to this game. So you got many different events, every week, every day, and every 3 hours or something. On an event you got some special missions (using this character, using a 15+ lvl character, got some help from another character during the fight ect... ) to accomplish. And these special missions never stop.

Now you tell me why to do these solo special missions ? Why to do some local or online battle ? Why ? Why ???? Because each time you achieve a mission, you won a fight or something like that, you will gain XPs, you will gain game money... but most important thing you will gain loot boxes that unlock random skins, shaders, and gear (thank you IGN for this sentence). You can even unlock some new move for your characters.

Now you are on the RPG mode, thanks to these loot boxes, you will gear up your character to be stronger, better and all. But the best thing is actually to unlock classy gear to make your character even more better looking. For example, for me Flash's gear is ugly at first, but you will find many better looking gears with the missions you accomplished, fights and all. Same for Robin, but I stop you right there : the Robin in this game is Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne, arrogant, violent, reckless and trained by the league of assassins. So the guy is not the nice Robin you can imagine (same goes for Red Hood).

Because... Red Hood

Okay let me go straight, the character I was looking forward was Red Hood. He is a DLC character but still a go. Red Hood was one of the previous Robin : Jason Todd. Jason Todd was aggressive, extremist as a Robin. A rapist got even killed because of him. Batman couldn't raised him properly because of his past. Eventually, Jason got killed by The Joker. After coming back from the dead, he became the vigilante who murders his prey : Red Hood. A real bad ass. And it's a pleasure to play him.
The Dialogues are so much fun !!

Other great thing : many dialogues. And some of them are just too much fun. The Joker is actually the best at this game. And yes some violent, vulgars words are used. I won't spoïl anything but let just say it's really cool to hear the Joker, Red Hood, Robin, Harley Queen talking.

Conclusion of mine
So yes I forgot to talk about many modes, but hell, this game is dope as it could be.