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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
Bristow9091 said:
bananaking21 said:
So fallout 4 is tempting me with a price or 13 bucks on the psn store. So yay or nay? Can't make a judgement here

If you haven't bought it and the offer is still up, I'd say absolutely go for it. It may not be the best Fallout game according to a lot of people, but it's still very enjoyable, so much so that I made manual save slots so I could follow all the faction questlines and get all the endings, and I plan on going back to get the platinum eventually since it's just a matter of collectables for me. But yeah, for that price it's definitely worth the money I'd say. 

If the offer has passed and you didn't get it... oh well, a lot of people also say it's a bad game anyway, so I guess depending on what sort of games you enjoy, you might not be missing much... although chances are it'll go on sale again anyway, and the game is dirt cheap at retail if you want the option.

I love open world action RPG's with choice making. So fallout 4 is right up my alley. I was certainly going to get it, but then The Division popped up for 10 bucks (3 dollars cheaper! Or 23% cheaper if you look at it that way!) 


The reason I didn't get fallout was because I was playing battlefield 1 onljns, then finished Titanfall and I'm playing it online, as well as Zombi (well a game breaking bug ended that game for me). So i want a change from FPS. 


Once I finish my the Division I'll see what's on sale, I'm getting all these games I wasn't planning on too because PSN sales are being so awesome lately. 

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twintail said:
Just got lent Horizon. Looking forward to trying it out soon

Nice, I got the Complete Edition recently but still need to try it out!!

Bristow9091 said:
VGPolyglot said:

Nice, I got the Complete Edition recently but still need to try it out!!

I bought the standard game last year, then the expansion was on sale earlier this year so I bought that... still not even touched the vanilla game, lol. Looking forward to when I DO play it though, the game looks great

I had a feeling that there'd be a Complete Edition eventually, so I decided to wait it out.

twintail said:
VGPolyglot said:

Nice, I got the Complete Edition recently but still need to try it out!!

Sweet! mine is vanilla but maybe ill jump on the DLC myself. Looking forward to finally playing this.

I did beat Metro Last Light recently, so now I have to pick another game to play XD Not sure if it'll be Horizon though.

So, Steins;Gate Elite has been delayed into 2019, unfortunately for Western fans.

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Bristow9091 said:

Ooh Talim! I'm really looking forward to Soul Calibur VI since it's my favourite fighting series alongside Mortal Kombat... still waiting for a few characters to be announced though; Cervantes and Astaroth will most certainly be in it, and come on, where the fuck is Voldo?!... but I'd LOVE if they brought Dampierre back, although I doubt he'll be making a return since it seems like we're going back to the original roster with some complete newcomers... and then Zasalamel just chilling out because why the fuck not, lol.

I'd be very surprised of Voldo doesn't make the cut. I'm excited too, to the point that I have both the PS4 and XB1 Deluxe versions pre-ordered!

I high key want Lady Maria as a guest character in Soul Calibur VI

Bristow9091 said:
VGPolyglot said:

I'd be very surprised of Voldo doesn't make the cut. I'm excited too, to the point that I have both the PS4 and XB1 Deluxe versions pre-ordered!

... Why buy it for both platforms?

Because I'm excited for the game!

Bristow9091 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
I high key want Lady Maria as a guest character in Soul Calibur VI

There's only one guest character slot and it's already filled with Geralt, which I'm happy about to be honest, he fits in with the roster quite well, just like Ezio did in the previous game, or Kratos in Broken Destiny, lol. It would've been nice to have platform specific guest characters though... oh well, there's always DLC opportunities :P 


That's true. 

gooch_destroyer said:
Bristow9091 said:

There's only one guest character slot and it's already filled with Geralt, which I'm happy about to be honest, he fits in with the roster quite well, just like Ezio did in the previous game, or Kratos in Broken Destiny, lol. It would've been nice to have platform specific guest characters though... oh well, there's always DLC opportunities :P 


That's true. 

Well, not necessarily. Soulcalibur IV had 2 guest characters on each console, with either Yoda/Darth Vader and The Apprentice.