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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%
Ka-pi96 said:
VGPolyglot said:

I myself like the NHL and WWE games (I got WWE 2K18 and NHL 18 last year), but even for those I tend to not get them yearly anymore. As for FIFA 18, is there a reason why you've played it so much more than than others? I can guess but I'd prefer if you would explain it.

Do you have PS+? We should play NHL 18 together some time... although you're Canadian so you should obliterate me at it

Played FIFA a lot more this year because of ultimate team mode. Never got into it before and the career mode in FIFA isn't that great so I'd just lose interest after awhile. This year though I'm really into ultimate team so wanna keep playing and earning more coins to buy packs/players with.

Do you play FIFA online?

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VGPolyglot said:
brendude13 said:

How did you find Persona 5?

I liked it, though I do think that Persona 3 and Persona 4 are both better than 5. In any case, the next game that I'm trying to get off my backlog is Dino Crisis for the PS1!

I really had to drag myself through it for some reason, while I never wanted 4 to end. I could appreciate the fact that they refined some mechanics, but the story and style of the game just didn't grab me.

brendude13 said:
VGPolyglot said:

I liked it, though I do think that Persona 3 and Persona 4 are both better than 5. In any case, the next game that I'm trying to get off my backlog is Dino Crisis for the PS1!

I really had to drag myself through it for some reason, while I never wanted 4 to end. I could appreciate the fact that they refined some mechanics, but the story and style of the game just didn't grab me.

I had a similar issue myself.

Time for y'all to get some waifus:

I got Yakuza 6

Around the Network

Sony is recruiting next gen VR engineers right now.

So I think PS5 won't come next year.


Guys help, I have a problem

dx11332sega said:
VGPolyglot said:

Guys help, I have a problem

Are you selling those games?

No, they arrived in the mail all at once

Bristow9091 said:
... is it a problem with your big toe? o.O

Oh wait, it's Sonic Forces, right? You accidentally bought it?

Yeah, my foot is a problem too Nah, I am just a huge game hoarder myself, especially when I find the games for cheap (as I did with these). I really wanted Darksiders and Dishonored 2, while Driveclub, Ratchet & Clank, Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator, Sonic Forces and BioShock: The Collection kind of interested me, and the last 3 were essentially blind purchases!! I played a bit of the Touhou game though, it is...interesting, to say the least!