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E3 Hype levels?

HYPE!!!! 4 25.00%
Pretty Excited 9 56.25%
Only a bit interested 3 18.75%
Not interested at all 0 0%
What is E3? 0 0%

The PS4 breaks the wii Sales Figures in Europe in comparison. Very interesting and great for the current games-industry, write a comment - if you like :)

Dragon Ball Fighters Z Release: 26 January! Beautiful Cover + the next Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth-Game, new Teaser:

January: Ni No Kuni 2, DBZ Fighters Z, Monster Hunter World.. and more & more Games are coming. That is crazy. And Good idea @ Poll. Greetings@ all = )

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
A Top 5 PS4 games list? EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I'd be worried that it's just gonna be the same 7 games everyone expects. Especially since Naughty Dog has so many games on PS4. But things would be more interesting if we didn't include remasters ...

That does make sense. In any case, I'm just throwing around ideas, as I'd like there to be at least some type of event. You guys can recommend some others if you'd prefer those.

VGPolyglot said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
A Top 5 PS4 games list? EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I'd be worried that it's just gonna be the same 7 games everyone expects. Especially since Naughty Dog has so many games on PS4. But things would be more interesting if we didn't include remasters ...

That does make sense. In any case, I'm just throwing around ideas, as I'd like there to be at least some type of event. You guys can recommend some others if you'd prefer those.

It's your decision man. You do you. I think it's a good idea! Besides, we can always do it a 2nd time, when Monster Hunter Worlds, Shadow of the Colossus Remake, God of War 4 etc come out! *mouth waters* *moistening intensifies*

Would be interesting to see how the list changes every year or so. 

I just think it would be more interesting if Remasters weren't included. 

top 5 PS4 games...

1- The Witcher 3
2- Doom
3- Horizon
4- Farcry 4
5- For Honor

honorable mentions, Bloodborne, Dont Starve, Infamous second son, Rocket League and Until Dawn. in all honesty the rating from 2-5 dont really matter to me, it depends on my mood at the time what i feel is best. Witcher 3 is undoubtedly number 1 though

Versus_Evil said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
A Top 5 PS4 games list? EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I'd be worried that it's just gonna be the same 7 games everyone expects. Especially since Naughty Dog has so many games on PS4. But things would be more interesting if we didn't include remasters ...

There wouldn't be a single ND game in my list.

Probably not for me either

What would your list be?

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Vote for your favorites PlayStation-Games 2017 :)

For me:

Best Story: Persona 5

Best PlayStation 4 - Game, its hard to say. So many big games.. Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, Yakuza Zero, Uncharted Lost Legacy, NiOh, Last Guardian, Nier Automata.. i vote for Persona 5, but the most people for Horizon Zero Dawn.

The biggest Most Wanted Game.. Death Stranding or The Last of Us 2, both are highlights in future. Spiderman & God of War are strong, but for me Ni No Kuni 2 & Detroit Become Human after TLOU2 :)

My Game of the Year 2017 is Persona 5, because it has for me the most incredible story with the greatest characters in the last five Games-Years. The gameplay, the soundtracks, the design, the humor, the emotional scenes .. I love it very much :)

1 Horizon Zero Dawn
2 Bloodborne
3 Uncharted 4 +LL
4 The Witcher 3 + DLC
5 Driveclub

Honourable mentions
Nier Automata, Ratchet and Clank, Dragon age Inquisition, Dark Souls 3.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

I voted for Nier in storytelling, other were mostly Horizon, Siege in multi

1. Horizon Zero Dawn
2. Resogun
3. Uncharted
4. Rocket League
5. Hotline Miami 2

I'd put The Last of Us Remastered in there if it was just on PS4, but I'm not a fan of including remasters in lists like these.

I know the first game was a Xbox One exclusive, but it sounds like Insomniac Games is interested in developing Sunset Overdrive 2, they'd just need a publisher.

Ted Price also talking about it on a recent Twitch stream (59:30):
With Sony and Insomniac being quite buddy-buddy (Spyro, Resistance, Ratchet & Clank and the upcoming Spider-man game) I could see Sony picking the game up if possible.