And the thread is now live! Over 2 months later, we finally have the PS Nation back and running! It was a long, draining ride, but all of the hardships and work has finally paid off in this thread! There are some people that need to be thanked, as without them this would not have happened at all:
Slade6alpha: Without him, I would not even have considered taking over the thread. From day 1 of the search for a new OP, he has been a great source of encouragement. And I cannot thank him enough for it.
Axumblade: He has agreed to help me maintain the thread, and for that I am eternally grateful. With his support, this thread will reach heights greater than I could ever achieve on my own!
Ryuu96: A good thread needs a good vision. Without Ryuu’s advice, what you’re seeing would be much cruder, and much uglier! He gave me invaluable information on what it takes to make a nice looking OP, and for that I have much appreciation
Bristow9091: The banner that you see that at the top of the thread? That was his doing! He has also made many other great banners for me that will be shuffled around periodically (oh, and he made a Chun-Li one for me too
Shadow8: The previous OP of the Nation thread, who gave me his blessings to continue on after him. Unfortunately, he has decided not to return to VGChartz, but I’ll still keep in contact with him for help or advice on the thread if needed.
SWORDF1SH and Bananaking21: Their intentions to run pushed me harder to ensure that my job here was as good as can be! Without them I may not have had the push or drive needed to put my all in it
Of course, that list is and always will be incomplete. It is impossible to thank each and every individual that has helped me along this journey. I just want to let you know that I thank each and every one of you who has helped me, I hope that you know who you are. Without your help, this would not have been possible, no question about it.
In any case, in order to be upfront, I’ll admit that there’ll be growing pains. It may take me a little adjusting to get used to this thread, but I will do the best that I can to ensure that this thread will be as good as I can possibly make it! Happy posting! J