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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Nintendo entering a new golden age?

Maybe. It's certainly better than a few years ago.

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I'm still waiting to buy a Switch untill the promised games are released, don't want to buy a WiiU-like/XoneX console.
But I'm sure Nintendo will deliver, since they are credible.

the Wii got 2 Mario Galaxy games..... if that means the same could happend to the switch (Mario Oddessey 1 & 2) then Im all for it.

JRPGfan said:
the Wii got 2 Mario Galaxy games..... if that means the same could happend to the switch (Mario Oddessey 1 & 2) then Im all for it.

Nah, they'll do a 3d World sequel, and then a new 2D Mario, and assuming the new 2D mario doesn't have a level editor, Mario Maker on switch as well.

With the addition of the 3d land/world series I wouldn't expect two Odysey type games on Switch.

Can't they just do a Mario 1, 2 and 3 remake? 4k 60 fps should be possible!! :P

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Hmm, I guess the DS/Wii was the golden age in that they'll never reach those sales again. So, in that regard, no. But if we're talking about the quality of the games, that's possible, but it's way too early to judge that.

Barkley said:
JRPGfan said:
the Wii got 2 Mario Galaxy games..... if that means the same could happend to the switch (Mario Oddessey 1 & 2) then Im all for it.

Nah, they'll do a 3d World sequel, and then a new 2D Mario, and assuming the new 2D mario doesn't have a level editor, Mario Maker on switch as well.

With the addition of the 3d land/world series I wouldn't expect two Odysey type games on Switch.

Mario Oddessey looks so much better.

Id gladly give up a 3D world (which I didnt enjoy much) and a 2D Mario, Mario Maker, for a 2nd Oddessey at some point in the switch cycle.

Its one of my main gripes with the Wii U, I didnt enjoy the 3D mario game it had much.

Oddessey looks abit like its gone back to the Galaxy roots, and thats a fantastic thing, its the best of what Mario games are.

I think oddessey launches and gets like a 95 meta critic score, and sells insane amounts and hopefully nintendo arnt stupid and thus start working on a 2nd one right after the first.

JRPGfan said:
Barkley said:

Nah, they'll do a 3d World sequel, and then a new 2D Mario, and assuming the new 2D mario doesn't have a level editor, Mario Maker on switch as well.

With the addition of the 3d land/world series I wouldn't expect two Odysey type games on Switch.

Mario Oddessey looks so much better.

Id gladly give up a 3D world (which I didnt enjoy much) and a 2D Mario, Mario Maker, for a 2nd Oddessey at some point in the switch cycle.

Its one of my main gripes with the Wii U, I didnt enjoy the 3D mario game it had much..

I don't disagree with you but 3d land/world is a new seperate series for Nintendo, and not one I expect they'll drop.

Barkley said:
JRPGfan said:

Mario Oddessey looks so much better.

Id gladly give up a 3D world (which I didnt enjoy much) and a 2D Mario, Mario Maker, for a 2nd Oddessey at some point in the switch cycle.

Its one of my main gripes with the Wii U, I didnt enjoy the 3D mario game it had much..

I don't disagree with you but 3d land/world is a new seperate series for Nintendo, and not one I expect they'll drop.

tbh it was a let down for me, compaired to the galaxy games.

I dont care if its "new" if its bad. I hope they drop it, and focus on doing more like galaxy/oddessey instead.

"increased awareness of Nintendo IP"

How exactly are you measuring that? Just curious.

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