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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One X will launch for $499


Your thoughts?

TOO HIGH! 544 73.81%
Is actually a decent price 131 17.77%
For 4k gaming? Steal 62 8.41%

Yeah, that was a bummer, but still buying it.

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As PS4 Pro Day 1 buyer you have zero regrets now, not that it would be for me in the first place as i am a PSfanboy

Yeah, I'll just get an XB1S then, when the time comes that I want to get it.

accurate price for a 360mm² 16nm process APU with a liquid cooling system, 12GB of GDDR5 ram and power management to make every chip run at it's optimal power state

but in the console business this historically hasn't been much of a mass market price

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When you look at the conference as a whole, this is the least of Xbox's problems

$500 is fine.

Captain_Yuri said:
A great man once said... #Skip and that is exactly what I will be doing

Considering that you just footed for a new rig and the cost of a slightly lesser micro atx box, I'd say the skip is in the cards

500 is pretty expensive though.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Lafiel said:

accurate price for a 360mm² 16nm process APU with a liquid cooling system, 12GB of GDDR5 ram and power management to make every chip run at it's optimal power state

but in the console business this historically hasn't been much of a mass market price

Nah it's not liquid cooled they just decribed a high end pc card in a deliberately confusing way...

Buying order: Switch, better pc

After they didnt announce the price right at the beginning like Scorpio/Xbox One X itself, i was like 1000% sure they gonna save the 399 Dollar Price tag for last and "Whats now Sony/PS4 Pro!?" Well didnt happen and i was also wrong not believing this Geo guy.