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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Switch Online announced

the price is OK.

we need more info still...


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Does purchase it in bunch make it cheaper ?

If not, I still buy 3 years for sure


NNID : ShenlongDK
PSN : DarkLong213
KLAMarine said:
Boutros said:
Well that's basically as low as we expected so there's that but it's essentially all $20 for online play. PSN and Gold are pricer but the value they offer makes it a compelling purchase even without online play.

I think I'd rather save the extra $40 and spend them as I please.

That 40$ can easily be recovered in a year with sales which offer an additional 10-20% off (sometimes a lot more) when you have PS Plus (like the most recent sale) and with 70+ 'free' games there's bound to be a few you might be interested in or might discover. There are also a bunch of F2P games available when you have PS Plus like Let it Die or Paragon. There's honestly a lot of value there and I think it's pretty ignorant to dismiss it so easily.

Doesn't seem to bad for what they're offering. And pushing it back to 2018 means gamers get to enjoy free online throughout the holidays, which I'm sure will put some serious stress on the servers and network overall. Probably will give you a good indication as to whether or not Nintendo's service is worth paying for.

I just wish they'd let you have a standard microphone and group chat option through the console instead of having to use a smartphone. That's going to turn alot of people off.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Volterra_90 said:
spemanig said:

I think the system is worth $60. The games alone are absolutely not.

I understand your position. However, I'm not entirely sure how are we supposed to value games. There are classic games that I'm willing to pay a lot for them nowadays. But that's just subjective value. 

Which is what matters to me in the end. As a consumer 20 bucks is such a good deal for me.

Don't get me wrong - I'm willing to pay a lot more. I bought a ton of Wii/WiiU/3DS VC games at full price.

But they definitely are not worth those prices. I just couldn't be arsed to protest $5-$15 game prices. I could have downloaded all of those games for free elsewhere (not that I would), but I didn't. But anyone can with no ramifications, and I honestly see little reason why they shouldn't outside of the obvious when the games have been outrageously overpriced since VC first started.

$20 isn't a good deal for a drip feed of just NES/SNES games that are worth pennies if anything at all, but considering how much they were before this, it's an astronomical improvement, and I'm all for supporting significant steps in the right direction like this. Less than $2 a month access to classic games, once the library is actually sizable, is fine.

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TruckOSaurus said:
spemanig said:

I think the system is worth $60. The games alone are absolutely not.

But the system is nothing without the games! There's a paradox here.

And the games are nothing without the system!

What have I done?

Boutros said:
KLAMarine said:

I think I'd rather save the extra $40 and spend them as I please.

That 40$ can easily be recovered in a year with sales which offer an additional 10-20% off (sometimes a lot more) when you have PS Plus (like the most recent sale) and with 70+ 'free' games there's bound to be a few you might be interested in or might discover. There are also a bunch of F2P games available when you have PS Plus like Let it Die or Paragon. There's honestly a lot of value there and I think it's pretty ignorant to dismiss it so easily.

Not to derail this, but the Switch's online will offer sales/discounts too. And you get full access to games that used to be $5-$8 each, accessible at anytime. And it's a bit disingenuous to imply that F2P online games are a "deal" you get with PS+/Gold when you are literally paying $60 for the ability to play them. Also, they'd be on the systems whether the online was free or not. So those differences aren't really there the way you say it is.

I mean, I get you, but it's still a meaningful $40 difference. And not an ignorant comparison at all.

spemanig said:
Wyrdness said:

Not entirely true as some games like Chrono Trigger were sold at prices well above a few cents some were and still are sold at more than what newly released games are. Most of the most sort after games would cost you more than the 20 quid a year to play them all.

Not only are there are isolated cases in literally everything, but all of those cases are due to scarcity, an issue that doesn't exist in the digital market place. Chrono Trigger, the digital game, is worth pennies if anything at all. Most of the sought after games, digitally, would be worth a dollar or two put together period, if that if we're just talking about NES/SNES games.

You didn't really debunk anything here as my point still stands as the are a significant number of games that cost way more than pennies if you try to go out and purchase them even games that aren't rare. SMB3 on NES and GBA for example cost 6 quid on ebay which is more than a quarter of the 20 quid subscription, your they'll only cost this digitally claim is nothing more than your own assumption at this point, I can easily think of over 30 games on NES and SNES that I'd like to play again and under your dollar or two argument if we were to take it at face value would cost me more than the 20 quid subscription.

This sounds great if they decide to include SNES and if they're committed to adding high quality games each month.

I don't want to go through several months of "literally what??" games in between each SMB3 or Kirby Superstar.

spemanig said:

Don't get me wrong - I'm willing to pay a lot more. I bought a ton of Wii/WiiU/3DS VC games at full price.

But they definitely are not worth those prices.

Don't you, by definition, think they were worth what you paid for them if you continued paying for them?