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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 100 Countries Ranked In Terms Of Gaming Revenue...

So we (Spain) are the 9th of the world and the 4th in Europe... well, at least we didn't do wrong in this "contest" XD.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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JRPGfan said:
Someone add up all the european countries on the list, and compair it to the american one?

I just quickly added them up, only adding the billions and millions to speed the process up (it wouldn't make much different either way to include thousands).

If you were to add all of Europe together, it would place third on the list of top 5.

China:            27, 547, 039,000
US:                 25, 059, 883, 000
Europe:         20, 323, 000, 000
Japan:            12, 545, 659, 000
South Korea:  4, 187, 711, 000

If you add Russia to Europe (which are frequently counted separately), it would be 21, 808, 000, 000.    

A few observations from looking through the list

-Ireland is listed next to Iran's flag 

-Outside of the big 5 in Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, and Italy), I'm surprised to see how many European countries trail countries in South America, the Caribbean, south east Asia, and even North Africa/Middle East

-While the US market, being one entity and far easier to flourish in than most regions (especially due to the high percentage of internet and smart phone users), will continue to be hugely important for the forseeable future, it looks like Asia will be far and away the biggest spenders on video games in the future, and Latin America is a rapidly emerging market as well. Europe needs to start making babies :p

UK has a bigger population than France??

Since when?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

Pyro as Bill said:
UK has a bigger population than France??

Since when?

Pretty sure it isn't, but they're fairly close. Now that even North Ireland's population growth rate has slowed and France has received a ton of immigrants, I'd be surprised if the UK overtakes them anytime soon.

Mexico in #12, that is a lot of FIFA copies.

Around the Network

So, uh, I was interested in other numbers as well... Sorry for the long post, and I hope I didn't screw up anything. Something broke when I pasted the data into LibreOffice, but I think I managed to fix it. All units are USD as you'd expect.

Revenue per person:

Japan 99.5
Republic of Korea 82.6
Luxembourg 78.3
United States of America 76.8
United Kingdom 64.4
Norway 58.1
Qatar 56.0
Singapore 54.9
Germany 54.3
Canada 53.2
Macao, China 52.8
Ireland 51.3
Australia 50.1
Switzerland 48.7
Brunei Darussalam 47.9
France 45.7
Denmark 44.7
Taiwan 43.9
Spain 41.5
Sweden 41.5
Austria 40.8
Finland 40.5
China, Hong Kong SAR 36.1
Netherlands 33.3
Italy 31.3
United Arab Emirates 30.0
Kuwait 29.1
Belgium 29.0
Portugal 26.0
Bahrain 23.2
China 19.8
Saudi Arabia 19.8
Malaysia 18.8
Oman 17.1
Estonia 16.6
New Zealand 15.4
Slovenia 15.0
Israel 14.8
Lithuania 14.3
Czech Republic 14.0
Latvia 14.0
Slovakia 14.0
Poland 12.7
Greece 12.5
Puerto Rico 12.3
Croatia 11.5
Hungary 11.2
Mexico 11.0
Russian Federation 10.4
Chile 9.9
Kazakhstan 9.7
Turkey 9.6
Argentina 9.6
Uruguay 9.1
TFYR Macedonia 9.0
Thailand 8.7
Serbia 8.3
Lebanon 8.3
Azerbaijan 8.2
Romania 8.0
Bulgaria 7.5
Albania 7.5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 7.4
Belarus 7.4
Panama 6.9
Venezuela 6.4
Brazil 6.3
Costa Rica 6.0
Colombia 5.9
Iran 5.3
State of Palestine 5.0
Dominican Republic 4.5
Jordan 4.3
Peru 4.3
Ecuador 4.3
Ukraine 4.3
Vietnam 3.8
Paraguay 3.7
Philippines 3.4
Indonesia 3.3
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 3.2
Syrian Arab Republic 2.8
Cuba 2.7
Tunisia 2.6
Algeria 2.5
Morocco 2.4
Uzbekistan 2.3
South Africa 2.1
Egypt 2.0
Iraq 2.0
Sri Lanka 2.0
Guatemala 1.8
Myanmar 1.6
Yemen 1.0
Nigeria 0.9
Pakistan 0.7
India 0.6
Kenya 0.6
Bangladesh 0.5
Sudan 0.4

Revenue per internet person:

Japan 104.7
United States of America 95.9
Republic of Korea 89.3
Luxembourg 80.0
United Kingdom 68.4
Macao, China 63.9
Singapore 63.6
Brunei Darussalam 62.0
Ireland 60.6
Germany 59.9
Norway 59.5
Qatar 59.1
Canada 58.2
Australia 56.8
Switzerland 53.6
France 51.7
Spain 49.7
Taiwan 48.3
Austria 46.5
Denmark 46.0
Sweden 44.6
Italy 43.5
Finland 42.9
China, Hong Kong SAR 40.7
Netherlands 35.1
Portugal 34.8
China 34.4
Kuwait 33.7
Belgium 32.7
United Arab Emirates 32.1
Saudi Arabia 26.1
Malaysia 24.4
Bahrain 24.4
Oman 21.4
Slovenia 19.1
Thailand 18.8
Lithuania 18.5
Estonia 18.1
Israel 17.7
Poland 17.1
Greece 17.0
Mexico 17.0
New Zealand 16.9
Latvia 16.7
Czech Republic 16.4
Slovakia 15.7
Turkey 15.7
Croatia 15.1
Puerto Rico 14.6
Hungary 14.3
Chile 13.9
Russian Federation 13.1
Uruguay 12.8
Argentina 12.7
Romania 12.6
Kazakhstan 12.3
Indonesia 12.2
Panama 11.8
Bulgaria 11.8
TFYR Macedonia 11.8
Serbia 11.6
Belarus 10.6
Albania 10.6
Lebanon 10.4
Iran 10.4
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10.3
Azerbaijan 10.0
Brazil 9.5
Colombia 9.4
Venezuela 9.3
Iraq 9.3
Costa Rica 9.0
Peru 8.9
Syrian Arab Republic 7.7
State of Palestine 7.7
Ecuador 7.6
Dominican Republic 7.6
Ukraine 7.5
Paraguay 7.1
Cuba 7.1
Philippines 7.1
Jordan 7.1
Vietnam 6.4
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 6.1
Myanmar 6.1
Guatemala 5.6
Algeria 5.5
Sri Lanka 5.4
Egypt 4.7
Uzbekistan 4.7
Tunisia 4.6
Morocco 3.7
South Africa 3.6
Yemen 3.3
Pakistan 3.0
Bangladesh 2.6
India 1.9
Nigeria 1.6
Sudan 1.3
Kenya 1.1

EDIT: Now with English decimal separators!

Us Canadians like games! 8th place with 35 million people.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

shikamaru317 said:
Zkuq said:

So, uh, I was interested in other numbers as well... Sorry for the long post, and I hope I didn't screw up anything. Something broke when I pasted the data into LibreOffice, but I think I managed to fix it. All units are USD as you'd expect.

Revenue per person:

Lol, Luxembourg being above the US is hilarious. 

Well, it's a rich country as far as I know, so not that odd. But considering how little we usually hear from these small countries, it does indeed feel strange. Personally I find the high ranking of Qatar even stranger.

Zkuq said:

So, uh, I was interested in other numbers as well... Sorry for the long post, and I hope I didn't screw up anything. Something broke when I pasted the data into LibreOffice, but I think I managed to fix it. All units are USD as you'd expect.

Revenue per person:

Thank you, kindly! I calculated the top ten for myself, but I was wondering about all the others.

Surprised to see Canada in the top 10

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