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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSN Generates More Revenue than Nintendo

Well that does not translate to Sony as a company since it has a whole host of problems while Nintendo's problems right now are deciding whether they are underestimating the switch or not

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

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I think being in more markets globally has something to do with it.
Nintendo basically doesn't operate in places like Brazil, India and barely so in China

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Viktor said:

What exactly does this revenue include? Just the subscription fee, or also 1st party software sales and 3rd party royalties or even 3rd party revenue generated via PSN?

Every purchase made digitally through PSN (games, DLC, expansions, microtransactions), PSNow, and subscriptions like PS+, Crunchyroll, Netflix (at least I think so). I assume the figure only refers to revenue kept by Sony, after royalties and fees are given to 3rd parties and vice-versa.

The reason Nintendo makes so little through the eShop is because they only sell games and DLC for said games. It's just an online shop, whereas XBL and PSN are much, much more than just that.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

fleischr said:
I think being in more markets globally has something to do with it.
Nintendo basically doesn't operate in places like Brazil, India and barely so in China

Yes that's true. Nintendo doesn't sell their stuff in India. That's one of the reasons I never bought a Wii U and likely wouldn't buy a Switch this year.

They lose a lot of money that way but well its their loss.

I´m having a dejavu with this thread?

I´m sure I´ve seem this same post and twitter a few months ago.

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Jranation said:
Aeolus451 said:
I wasn't aware that Sony was making that much money off of psn. Guess Nintendo fans will be swallowing that paid online pill in spite of what many of them said about paid online for MS and Sony.

Luckily it will be cheaper than the other 2!

And you will also get one game instead of the 2 to 6 six games we get, and that game will just be a ROM of a 30 year old game that I could easily download on my smartphone and play through an emulator for free.

Anfebious said:
leo-j said:


Offered games

That's subjective.

Slarvax said:
Viktor said:

What exactly does this revenue include? Just the subscription fee, or also 1st party software sales and 3rd party royalties or even 3rd party revenue generated via PSN?

Every purchase made digitally through PSN (games, DLC, expansions, microtransactions), PSNow, and subscriptions like PS+, Crunchyroll, Netflix (at least I think so). I assume the figure only refers to revenue kept by Sony, after royalties and fees are given to 3rd parties and vice-versa.

The reason Nintendo makes so little through the eShop is because they only sell games and DLC for said games. It's just an online shop, whereas XBL and PSN are much, much more than just that.

I don't think PS Now is included in this revenue, as its a different service.

The reason Nintendo doesn't make as much money from eshop is also because Nintendo consumers have less games to choose from hence software sales are lower, they don't have third party games with all those DLC's to add to their revenue and they have much lower digital attach ratio. Remember that these figures are for the whole of Nintendo, and that most of their revenue comes from physical software and hardware sales.

Dark_Feanor said:
I´m having a dejavu with this thread?

I´m sure I´ve seem this same post and twitter a few months ago.

That's because there was one.....

OT: Good news for Sony!!!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Shiken said:
Lawlight said:

I don't think the Switch got more attention than Pokemon Go.

So, you're assuming that Nintendo's non-gaming income will be used to invest in games but Sony's gaming income will be used to invest in non-gaming divisions?

Sony has, for many years now, had many profitable divisions. Please stick to facts. Example, in FY2105 and FY2014 Sony had 7 profitable divisions.


I am sticking to the facts when I say that Sony for many years has been losing money as a company.  That said, all profitable divisions are overshadowed by loses durong that time. Gaming included

Sony HAD been losing money.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."


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Slarvax said:

Every purchase made digitally through PSN (games, DLC, expansions, microtransactions), PSNow, and subscriptions like PS+, Crunchyroll, Netflix (at least I think so). I assume the figure only refers to revenue kept by Sony, after royalties and fees are given to 3rd parties and vice-versa.

The reason Nintendo makes so little through the eShop is because they only sell games and DLC for said games. It's just an online shop, whereas XBL and PSN are much, much more than just that.

I don't think PS Now is included in this revenue, as its a different service.

The reason Nintendo doesn't make as much money from eshop is also because Nintendo consumers have less games to choose from hence software sales are lower, they don't have third party games with all those DLC's to add to their revenue and they have much lower digital attach ratio. Remember that these figures are for the whole of Nintendo, and that most of their revenue comes from physical software and hardware sales.

Maybe it isn't. But it's a digital PS service, so I think it could be. Not like it makes a big difference, it only offered PS3 games in FY16.

@Bolded: That's an issue Nintendo needs to address. If only their systems had more than 1 game's worth of storage.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988