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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

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Do you agree?

Yes, I find it reasonable. 186 37.73%
No, I find it is a stupid idea. 307 62.27%
CGI-Quality said:
Leadified said:

Orders from the king, m'lord. (There's supposed to be a LOTR gif here)

Yeah, for some reason, the was missing at the end. This was supposed to be more of a "that's the joke" post.

The mysterious higher powers of the site code determined that it was just not meant to be...

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I completely agree, Sony has nothing to offer a PC can't on the hardware front, so yeah Third party for sony the best for all players.

34 years playing games.


Barkley said:

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up all this licensing jargon that I've already stated previously have literally zero bearing on Valadoth's point which is who you quoted in the first place, the extent of your argument is essentially "Don't use that word".

I shouldn't try discrediting the reasons for going third party? Why not that's the subject of this topic. The reason I gave that you shouldn't try and discredit the benefits of physical copies is on the basis that you say this thread isn't about physical vs digital, and that the benefits are off-topic.

You're not making a lot of sense.

I don't know why you're honestly carrying on the conversation in the first place.

You shouldn't try and discredit digital copies either, but I know you will.

I don't think it's fair to call digital "thin air", yet it not being fair to bring in the whole deal with not owning code, on the plastic you buy. But again, that's us going off topic.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

The only reason why i'm keeping my ps4 is because of the harmful exclusives.

Anyway with PSnow available on PC i don't think i'll have reasons to buy PS5 when it comes out.

Is this a "my company of choice can't compete with Sony, so I hope they go 3rd party so my company can compete" kind of thing?

Sony is nowhere near the point of going 3rd party. They may stick some of their older games on PS Now, which can be played on PC. However, that is a streaming service, so it isn't as good as playing it on the actual HW, and it will take 2-3 years to get big exclusives that launch on the PS4 first. It'll also probably be 2-3 years before PS5 games start to appear on the service once it launches. As long as they keep selling 80M+ in HW, and use exclusives to help push that HW, they are never going 3rd party.

Really, the only ones who are in danger of going third party in the near future is MS. It doesn't help that there are obvious signs from the higher ups that they are less willing to put more money into selling more Xbox HW and have instead taken all of its exclusives and put them on PC. Scorpio almost seems like a last ditch effort by the Xbox HW division to keep itself relevant, hence them pushing it for almost a year. If it fails, I think MS is going to seriously think about whether to make a XB2 or not. They may give it one more shot, but if that fails, they are 100% done.

I think Nintendo, if the Switch continues to sell well, will have found their own market in the hybrid/HH market. If they can keep this going, they probably won't go 3rd party. However, if the sales begin to fall, I think they will try one more piece of HW, but a more traditional console. If that fails, then they could possibly go 3rd party. Though, I think Nintendo is not a definite until their cash reserves start to deplete to almost nothing, so they may continue until they have another hit or are forced to go 3rd party to stay alive.

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How old is the Nintendo thread that this is a response to?

I'd be interested in playing Wild Arms and Arc the Lad on my 3DS, where do I sign?

Bandorr said:
StarOcean said:
How old is the Nintendo thread that this is a response to?

3 Months or so. Longest time between reaction thread creation ever?

Jesus may need to lock

StarOcean said:
Bandorr said:

3 Months or so. Longest time between reaction thread creation ever?

Jesus may need to lock

This one was re-opened since it wasn't made in jest. That and folk like Yuri actually wanted to discuss the topic. 

If this one gets closed, then I feel it would be fair if the other was as well. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Barkley said:

No because Sony make the best hardware, and I like to play on consoles. Nintendo make the worst hardware imo, so them going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

Graphical power=best hardware. Wow that's all you people worry about. Think of it this way that the PC, Xbox and PS franchises basically depend solely on the power they dish out while Nintendo does something different every time. If the Xbox franchise moves over to PC, no problem since they were so close to begin with. Same deal with PS. But if Nintendo stops making hardware that is tailored towards its software, it will die off. The games Nintendo makes are high quality and have a long shlef life as well as being relevant many years later because Nintendo makes them that way. Without that Nintendo would have to try to be like any other company and aim for all the things they do and encounter the problems they do and Nintendo is not equipped to do that. It is also not a giant like Microsoft or have other businesses like Sony. So the best case scenario would be Nintendo giving up on games and moving somewhere else and the worse case would be nothing less of the destruction of the gaming giant. So Nintendo going third party will kill the company that single handedly revived console gaming and brought most of the innovations to lead the industry where it is today. Joysticks, rumbles, d-pad, gyro, shoulder buttons and essentially the modern controller is all due to Nintendo. And without Nintendo Sony and MS will be all to happy to just releasing more powerful consoles with the same controllers but slightly different. The same play style for all games every gen. Nintendo brings new things to the table that might one day become the staple of the industry and people will be playing it like its always been there. They also created a freaking handheld form console that is closer to xbone in power than Wii u. That is an impressive feat and how is that bad hardware? Lastly the only way Nintendo will stop making hardwares is if moves on from gaming or is no longer a company. Nintendo needs its own hardware to survive as a gaming company

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also