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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony going third party is an excellent idea for gamers.

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Do you agree?

Yes, I find it reasonable. 186 37.73%
No, I find it is a stupid idea. 307 62.27%
VGPolyglot said:
Also, Sony makes so much money from 3rd party software sales, they'd lose all of that going third-party.

If Sony creates its own storefront on PC then they would take a cut (25-30%) just like Valve does on Steam.

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Leadified said:
VGPolyglot said:
Also, Sony makes so much money from 3rd party software sales, they'd lose all of that going third-party.

If Sony creates its own storefront on PC then they would take a cut (25-30%) just like Valve does on Steam.

But they'd risk the proven success they have now with an unproven scheme on PC.

estebxx said:
LivingMetal said:

Well its obviously a Joke thread, that will turn into a shitstorm (if it hasnt already...).

Nintendo would benefit the most out of anybody, MS doesnt seem to be benefiting much.........theyre barely hitting a billion hours between PC and Xbox. Im sure Sony games would sell a little better, but Nintendo games would sale the best if they were on all platforms without gimmicks holding them back.

Preston Scott

Captain_Yuri said:
Sprash said:
seeing how many pc gamers have weak pcs, games from naughty dog would be held back way to much.

We do have different graphical settings for a reason...

He also forgets how previous gen held things back and then gen before that. Especially when you saw what the GC could do on it's own at the time compared to the PS2 (Resi original vs Remake for example).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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VGPolyglot said:
Leadified said:

If Sony creates its own storefront on PC then they would take a cut (25-30%) just like Valve does on Steam.

But they'd risk the proven success they have now with an unproven scheme on PC.

Of course it would be a big risk but I'm not quite sure what that has to do with my post?

VGPolyglot said:
Also, Sony makes so much money from 3rd party software sales, they'd lose all of that going third-party.

None said they had to stop making consoles. They could put there games on PS consoles and PC.

Leadified said:
Valdath said:

First part of your post is a very good point, sadly you finished with an edgy console war phrase.

Just bought a PS4 slim with Uncharted 4 for 250$, can't build a PC with that amount of cash.


Sony is great for people who want to play multiplats plus exclusives at a low price entry, they always have the best bang for buck ratio.


Also PC isn't really an option for us physical collectors.

I used to think like this but considering that so many games have day-one patches now and I don't trade in my games, physical versions hardly have any value to me anymore.

Also, the only thing they own is the pastic with the data stored on the disk. They don't own the games, they paid for the rights to use them. Also said collections won't be around forever anyway and when you die, you lsoe it all regardless, so it feels all the more pointless int rying to make it seem like owning some edition that other people has, having more value than say a  truly one of a kind object out there.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Lmao joke thread is awesome also joke posts too hahaha

1. Well of course it would benefit gamer's.
2. Of course PC is the best platform, PS4 is just a watered down PC.
3. The culture of PC gaming and always getting the games extremely cheap, however, WOULD NOT HELP SONY, or Nintendo. Microsoft wouldn't be a viable 3rd party so they would be out of the game.