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Forums - General Discussion - Fish: Meat or Not?


Is fish a meat?

Yes 266 88.08%
No 30 9.93%
Huh, never thought about that 6 1.99%
Mummelmann said:
Well, if a "vegetarian" eats fish but not meat for moral reasons or for the environment, he/she is kind of daft since the fishing industry is incredible destructive to the environment and fish breeding farms have horrible conditions for the fish as well the ocean as a biotope (it kills everything under and around it).
So that leaves health benefits, which are true for many kinds of fish, but not all fish is healthy and some meat is just as good for you as most fish, so that's pretty much also down the crapper.
In my opinion; there are no good arguments for eating fish and not meat if you from any logical standpoint. Choosing to do it because you don't like the taste or texture or what have you is something else, and may be more viable as an excuse, but these are the exact reasons people usually don't like fish...

I know a girl who is pescetarian just because she doesn't want to be fully vegetarian (yet), and it's easier to say "I will eat this one kind of animal, but I won't eat any other animals" than to say "I will eat a tiny little bit of all kinds of animals" (because you don't have a clear limit then).

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Trunkin said:
MegamiTensei said:

I would and have. Even as a vegetarian. Me and my gf have debated whether eating bugs really counts or not. We aren't hardcore vegetarians and mostly did it for dietary reasons. I mean, some had to do with the treatment of animals in some of the meat factories (Tyson is especially bad XD)

Well, that wasn't my motive to become a vegetarian. 

Health reasons, my friend. Nothing about hating meat-eaters. Don't worry, if I wanted meat I could eat it without feeling any guilt XD It was for dietary reasons... sorta. Idk my reason was what most might consider strange.

Yeah, i've seen some of those videos. They can be pretty bad. It still wasn't enough to get me to give up meat, though i can see why it would for some people. When it comes to eating bugs i think its hard to argue against it, considering that we already have to massacre countless numbers of them to grow our crops in the first place.

I've thought about eating insects before, still haven't gotten around to trying it. What kind of bugs have you eaten, and what do they taste like? Ive heard crickets taste kinda like nuts...

I've had crickets, scorpions, beatles (not sure which), and those worms they always sell to eat. Theyre white and chubbish. And yes, crickets do taste very nutty. Which kind? Uhhh... maybe almost like a bad almond. Like if you had a variety pack of nuts and slipped some crickets in -if you had a handful of nuts you'd never know you ate a cricket, honestly. And the other bugs also had a nutty taste. I'd say what makes them unappealing is after. Their shell is very soft and kinda has the texture of paper... not the best

Flilix said:
Mummelmann said:
Well, if a "vegetarian" eats fish but not meat for moral reasons or for the environment, he/she is kind of daft since the fishing industry is incredible destructive to the environment and fish breeding farms have horrible conditions for the fish as well the ocean as a biotope (it kills everything under and around it).
So that leaves health benefits, which are true for many kinds of fish, but not all fish is healthy and some meat is just as good for you as most fish, so that's pretty much also down the crapper.
In my opinion; there are no good arguments for eating fish and not meat if you from any logical standpoint. Choosing to do it because you don't like the taste or texture or what have you is something else, and may be more viable as an excuse, but these are the exact reasons people usually don't like fish...

I know a girl who is pescetarian just because she doesn't want to be fully vegetarian (yet), and it's easier to say "I will eat this one kind of animal, but I won't eat any other animals" than to say "I will eat a tiny little bit of all kinds of animals" (because you don't have a clear limit then).

Yeah, that sounds like some major league bs right there, I never understood the point of doing things like that halfway. My ex' cousin also ate fish but not meat, for environmental reasons... Oh, and she worked as a voulenteer in Darfur six times a year, and yes; she flew there and back every time and no; she never saw the enormous irony of it all.