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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

golfgt170 said:
irstupid said:

You brought up the fact that we should not take what people praising the game are saying cause all those that are playing it are die hard fans and thus biased.

So if we can't listen to those who have the game because they are biased hard-core fans, then who are we to listen to?

The people who haven't played the game? The 99 reviewers who gave the game a 10/10? Or the 1 reviewer (Jim) who gave the game a 7/10?

NONE. The only judge is yourself. If a game gets 100 or 0 for you, none of this matters. The point of this thread was to show that die hard fans cannot accept other ppl's opinions and all must go with the flow. Which is wrong ofc. Especcially when we have this kind of actions that hamper our work or even insult oneself in a personal matter.

Well obviously the only judge is yourself. But what if you are wondering whether to purchase a game or not.

That is where you look to others. And right now those others are the 2 million people with the game, and the 100's of reviewers.

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irstupid said:
naruball said:

But that has nothing to do with I said. Why are you changing the subject. Obviously we can all agree on what you just said just like we can agree that the creators of Zelda know more about Zelda than my neighbour. But that's not the point I was discussing.

You brought up the fact that we should not take what people praising the game are saying cause all those that are playing it are die hard fans and thus biased.

So if we can't listen to those who have the game because they are biased hard-core fans, then who are we to listen to?

The people who haven't played the game? The 99 reviewers who gave the game a 10/10? Or the 1 reviewer (Jim) who gave the game a 7/10?

But that's not what I said at all. The other poster said the people playing it have only positive things to say about it. And I said that they may be biased (not that we shouldn't listen to them). They are a unique group of people whose opinion doesn't matter as much as the opinion of those who bought mario kart wii for example (both fans and non fans bought and played that game and it had nothing to prove). What I'm saying is that both critics and fans could be right but for the reasons I mentioned it's best to be extra cautious (not to diregard them). Under these conditions this game is a special case. Nothing more.

naruball said:
irstupid said:

You brought up the fact that we should not take what people praising the game are saying cause all those that are playing it are die hard fans and thus biased.

So if we can't listen to those who have the game because they are biased hard-core fans, then who are we to listen to?

The people who haven't played the game? The 99 reviewers who gave the game a 10/10? Or the 1 reviewer (Jim) who gave the game a 7/10?

But that's not what I said at all. The other poster said the people playing it have only positive things to say about it. And I said that they may be biased (not that we shouldn't listen to them). They are a unique group of people whose opinion doesn't matter as much as the opinion of those who bought mario kart wii for example (both fans and non fans bought and played that game and it had nothing to prove). What I'm saying is that both critics and fans could be right but for the reasons I mentioned it's best to be extra cautious (not to diregard them). Under these conditions this game is a special case. Nothing more.

The sum of what you were saying is that majority if not all BotW players right now are diehard fans, thus to the average consumer not the most reliable source. Correct?

So then the only people we can trust are reveiwers, whom 97 of them basically rate this game a 9.8/10 and 3 of them give it a 6.5/10. Or else there are people who have not played the game.

Take your pick I guess on who to trust. I would go with the majority of the reviewers and the biased fans over the 3 reviewers and the people who have not played the game.

irstupid said:
naruball said:

But that's not what I said at all. The other poster said the people playing it have only positive things to say about it. And I said that they may be biased (not that we shouldn't listen to them). They are a unique group of people whose opinion doesn't matter as much as the opinion of those who bought mario kart wii for example (both fans and non fans bought and played that game and it had nothing to prove). What I'm saying is that both critics and fans could be right but for the reasons I mentioned it's best to be extra cautious (not to diregard them). Under these conditions this game is a special case. Nothing more.

The sum of what you were saying is that majority if not all BotW players right now are diehard fans, thus to the average consumer not the most reliable source. Correct?

So then the only people we can trust are reveiwers, whom 97 of them basically rate this game a 9.8/10 and 3 of them give it a 6.5/10. Or else there are people who have not played the game.

Take your pick I guess on who to trust. I would go with the majority of the reviewers and the biased fans over the 3 reviewers and the people who have not played the game.

I'm now at a point that I think you're not actually reading what I type. I truly believe that.

How do you go from "What I'm saying is that both critics and fans could be right but for the reasons I mentioned it's best to be extra cautious" to what you typed? Where did I mention the three negative reviews? Where did I say that we should trust those instead? Or the people who didn't play it?

I said, and I repeat it in case you read more carefully this time around, that we should take what people say with a pinch of salt. That the user reviews (not those on meta) of games with a wider audience are more reliable than those of what appears to (me to) be die hard fans. Nothing more, nothing less.

If someone is undecided, they can read the reviews, read the comments from people who have played it, watch a video or two and decide if that's something they would enjoy. From what I have seen it's not the kind of game I would enjoy to the point that I would buy a new console for. I would probably pay for it up to 20 euro if it was available on ps4.

golfgt170 said:

The point of this thread was to show that die hard fans cannot accept other ppl's opinions and all must go with the flow. Which is wrong ofc. Especcially when we have this kind of actions that hamper our work or even insult oneself in a personal matter.

Unless you're Jim Sterling. Or someone who just inexplicably hates Zelda or x franchise. Then you can trample on people and bash the game as much as you like for whatever reason you can think of. And your opinion is just as valid and deserves just as much attention as the rest of those who bought, played, and loved the game.


Truth is - some people's opinions are unacceptable. Especially when they end up in insults and other attention-seeking behaviour. That type of feedback is meaningless and should just be ignored by everyone who knows better.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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Statistically speaking a 70 score for a game that had a 98 meta with many reviews is an extreme statistical outlier. His taste or motives should be questioned.

Harassasment should never be tolerated, but this should harm whatever standing he did have.


Personally I dont like meta for this reason. They should not count extreme statistical outliers.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

tokilamockingbrd said:

Statistically speaking a 70 score for a game that had a 98 meta with many reviews is an extreme statistical outlier. His taste or motives should be questioned.

Harassasment should never be tolerated, but this should harm whatever standing he did have.


Personally I dont like meta for this reason. They should not count extreme statistical outliers.

I tell you what. I'll wait for you to question the taste and motives of reviewer who gave a Nintendo game with a  70 meta score a 95-100 the next time that happens. I won't hold my breath.

Jim's review was pretty pathetic, to be fair.

His LEGITIMATE complaints were the weapon durability and the stamina gauge. He just came off whiney and nit picky.

And he praises Dark Souls and Bloobourne for their difficulty, but said BotW had "cheap one shot kills". BotW? Come on, the new Zelda is EASY compared to Bloobourne

And if you follow Jim at all, you know he already dislikes Zelda and Nintendo. So his review was biased before he even started playing it.

anyone that gives the game less than a 9 is an idiot and deserves to be shamed.