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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

specialk said:
naruball said:

I'm afraid that was the opposite of my point. I said I don't particularly like Souls games and I don't mind waiting for a minute because I see it as part of the punishment for dying. Tekken 6 was my first platinum, a game of a franchise that I've loved since I first played Tekken 3 when I was around 10. Yet the loading times of Tekken 6 bother me (despite loving the game). They bother me because they make no sense in the game.

In other words, my point was that it's not always about fanboyism or (in this case) how long the waiting time is, but why I'm waiting for something in the game. I don't like difficulty in simple, fun games like Megaman. I like it in Souls games because it bonds well with the atmosphere.

It's good that you can be objective with regards to Tekken and other games. Being objecctive and critical is really difficult for a lot of people.

I do feel like the bolded feed into my point a bit.

In a game someone really likes, one persons flaw may be only a footnote (as the Bloodborne load times were for Jim) or even a positive (as load times as punishment are for you). 

If someone doesn't particularly like traveling the world looking for and solving shrines, I could easily see them blowing out things like a limited stamina bar or having to skip cutscens when entering a shrine into paragraphs of justificaiton for why they didn't like a game as much as others.

Really I think there is little rhyme or reason to what we enjoy. Any explanations are always going to be after the fact justifications in an attempt to communicate facets of brain chemistry that no one really understands.  But I'm getting a bit esoteric I suppose.

Someone above attributed Resident Evil 1's controls to bad game design. To me, the tank controls are a necessity for having a game with pre-rendered backgrounds and static camera angles. Pre rendered backgrouns resulted in a more detailed game world with more character in my opinion. Nobody is really wrong though. 

Oh, yeah I definitely agree with the rest of your points. Especially the underlined.

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archer9234 said:
palou said:

It's really never NOT POSSIBLE to get somewhere because you don't have enough stamina, it usually just requires good play and creativity. (example: create yourself an updraft, look for easier roots, find a platform to jump off of, use octobaloons to create a temporary airship, etc...)

I just started the game. I decided to get a extra heart container, over stamina. I wanted to unlock the Hanteo tower. I couldn't get to the first ledge. The barb spikes make you take longer. Because, I ran out of stamina. By an inch. I wasted all that time, getting to the tower. My horse AI calling, screwing up. It went somewhere else. And got blocked. So I had to walk there manually. All because I picked a heart container.

Quickly; do you know that jumping at the last second propels you twice as far? I do believe Hateno tower should be doable withou the extra heart container. 

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

Good publicity from him and Zelda!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

archer9234 said:
palou said:

It's really never NOT POSSIBLE to get somewhere because you don't have enough stamina, it usually just requires good play and creativity. (example: create yourself an updraft, look for easier roots, find a platform to jump off of, use octobaloons to create a temporary airship, etc...)

I just started the game. I decided to get a extra heart container, over stamina. I wanted to unlock the Hanteo tower. I couldn't get to the first ledge. The barb spikes make you take longer. Because, I ran out of stamina. By an inch. I wasted all that time, getting to the tower. My horse AI calling, screwing up. It went somewhere else. And got blocked. So I had to walk there manually. All because I picked a heart container.

This individual climbs the Hateno tower without any stamina upgrades (in the end):

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

palou said:
archer9234 said:

I just started the game. I decided to get a extra heart container, over stamina. I wanted to unlock the Hanteo tower. I couldn't get to the first ledge. The barb spikes make you take longer. Because, I ran out of stamina. By an inch. I wasted all that time, getting to the tower. My horse AI calling, screwing up. It went somewhere else. And got blocked. So I had to walk there manually. All because I picked a heart container.

Quickly; do you know that jumping at the last second propels you twice as far? I do believe Hateno tower should be doable withou the extra heart container. 

No. I got the extra heart container, over stamina. Not the other way around. I can't hold on long enough, to reach the first ledge.

Around the Network
archer9234 said:
palou said:

Quickly; do you know that jumping at the last second propels you twice as far? I do believe Hateno tower should be doable withou the extra heart container. 

No. I got the extra heart container, over stamina. Not the other way around.

Sorry, I meant stamina container. But Hateno should be doable without upgrades (as shown in the video)


Have fun :)

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

palou said:
archer9234 said:

No. I got the extra heart container, over stamina. Not the other way around.

Sorry, I meant stamina container. But Hateno should be doable without upgrades.

Well, I fell off, by an inch, Got fustrated. And went to do something else. So the point system limit screwed the progress I wanted to do.

specialk said:
iron_megalith said:
Fanboys. This is why it's hilarious that the Switch is even being white knighted so hard despite the defects, actual design issues, and functionality problems at hand.

Lol. Didn't the XBox 360 have like a 50 percent failure rate at launch? 

I think, by and large, people who like the Switch just like the Switch. 

If there was another product that does what the Switch does but better, I would buy that product I guess. As it stands though, only the Switch does what the Switch does. 

And fanboys did defend that which was utterly hilarious. Completely dismissing the possibility and saying theirs is fine. Which insinuates that the problem lies with the users.

It's one thing that there are major design problems, what's worse is how Nintendo is addressing some of them. Take for example the occurence of dead pixels.

archer9234 said:
palou said:

Sorry, I meant stamina container. But Hateno should be doable without upgrades.

Well, I fell off, by an inch, Got fustrated. And went to do something else. So the point system limit screwed the progress I wanted to do.

There's also another solution for thorns (won't spoil it if you don't want to...) could be seen as a puzzle (and was probably meant as a such). Which I don't find a bad thing. This is why I like the system - earlier on, you need to think more for the actions, later on, you can do them faster/easier thanks to upgrades. 

Bet with PeH: 

I win if Arms sells over 700 000 units worldwide by the end of 2017.

Bet with WagnerPaiva:


I win if Emmanuel Macron wins the french presidential election May 7th 2017.

RolStoppable said:
Azuren said:

Nintendo pioneered rolling the button from sprint to jump with Mario, so I don't know what you're going on about.

You wanted B to confirm and X to cancel.

what a terrible idea. Why would anyone accept that?